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Parker Unrivaled Support

            Customization and Services                          Parker Automation Technology Centers
            Parker has a Custom Systems Group staffed by        Parker Automation Technology Centers are  a network
            experienced engineers and technicians who utilize   of premier product and service providers who can serve
            systematic processes for handling component         you locally for your automation needs. Each Automation
            modifications or complete one-of-a-kind systems.    Technology Center is certified to have completed significant
                                                                product training and has the ability to provide subsystem
            The System is the Product                           solutions with local support.
            Many of the components shown in this catalog are modified
            specifically to customer request and need. Parker system
            customers can receive many optional services such as:  Industry’s Best Lead Times
            •  3-D custom assembly drawings                     #1 rated, industry-leading, on-time delivery to customer-
            •  Electronics integration                          requested ship dates. For more than 3 years and over 100
            •  Finite element analysis                          thousand manual products, we have delivered 100% on-
            •  Life load testing                                time to our agreed upon customer request delivery date for
            •  Integration with the breadth of                  the Parker manual slide and stage product lines.
              Parker product
            Our advanced manufacturing and            
            assembly process allows us to build                 The Parker Electromechanical Automation site offers
            quality and consistency into every                  the most extensive online support tools in the industry,
            element of your motion system. Each                 including:
            mechanical system is fully assembled prior to shipment and
            each component is properly handled to protect finish and   •  Complete online catalog
            appearance. Performance and specifications are verified   •  FAQ database with more than 500 answers to common
            with state-of-the-art testing, including:              questions
                                                                •  Interactive product sizing and selection tool
            Cleanroom Testing                                   •  Comprehensive CAD drawings and 3-D models for
            Parker is equipped with particulate testing to certify   electronic and mechanical products
            materials for cleanroom ratings.                    •  User guides and detailed product specifications
                                                                •  Latest software and firmware revisions
            EMI Testing                                         •  Application case studies and videos
            Parker has an EMI test                              •  Custom solutions photo library
            chamber, which allows us to                         •  Innovative technology white papers
            test equipment to verify levels of
            electromagnetic interference.
                                                                One-on-One with a Motion Control Expert
            Precision Metrology Lab                             Toll-Free Applications Engineering Assistance
            When precision is critical to your process, you need   When you have urgent questions, expert answers are only
            validated, proven performance data. Parker certifies all   a phone call away. Our team of experienced engineers
            precision-grade positioners using state-of-the-art laser   is ready to take your call. These engineers have practical
            interferometers, and provides reports to validate accuracy   field experience and can provide you with application
            and bidirectional repeatability.
                                                                and product assistance throughout the stages of your
                                                                project and for the life of the product. For presale support,
            24/7 Emergency Breakdown Referrals                  including sizing and selecting systems, call 800-245-6903
                                                                (724-861-8200 outside the US). For post-sale support with
            The Parker product information center at            technical questions on programming and troubleshooting,
            800-C-PARKER offers live operators 24/7 to help identify   call 800-358-9070 (707-584-7558 outside the US). Our
            replacement parts or services.                      staffing and support tools allow us to resolve most issues
                                                                and get your project rolling in less than one hour.

            Parker Hannifin Corporation  
            Electromechanical Automation Division
            Irwin, Pennsylvania                              3
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