Page 9 - Parker - Daedal manually driven positioning slides and stages
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Where to find Parker Daedal Products and Technologies

            Visit our Website                                   Using our Catalog
            Complete up-to-date technical assistance can be found   This catalog is divided into several sections based on primary
            on the web at This includes all   distinguishing characteristics such as drive technology,
            the latest information on current products, new product   degree of precision, travel range, and load capacity. A brief   Ball Bearing   Slides
            introductions, local assistance and support, plus a   overview and selection is provided on the following pages.
            comprehensive “Engineering Reference Library.”
                                                                If you don’t find exactly what you are looking for, please
            •  Complete product catalogs                        contact us for information on other suitable Daedal and
            •  Product selection wizards                        Parker products.
            •  Performance charts and graphs
            •  Engineering data and calculations
            •  CAD drawings                                                                                         Crossed Roller
            •  Local service and support directory                                                                     Slides
            •  On-line purchasing
            •  Application stories and videos

                                                                                                                    Ball Bearing   Positioners

                                                                                                                    Crossed Roller   Positioners

                                                                                                                    Rotary   Positioners


                                                                                                                    Engineering   Reference

            Parker Hannifin Corporation  
            Electromechanical Automation Division
            Irwin, Pennsylvania                              7
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