Page 6 - Parker - Daedal manually driven positioning slides and stages
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Manual Parker Products and Technologies
Whether using one component or an entire system, Parker
has the right solution. In addition to the Parker manual To request a catalog or for complete on-line
positioning slides and stages, Parker Electromechanical information, go to
Automation Division offers a vast array of motion and
control products including:
HMI (Human-Machine Interface) Motion Controllers
Catalog #8500 Catalog #8500
Parker offers HMI solutions for any Parker motion controllers are powerful
application from simple pushbutton designs that have the processing power to
replacement to sophisticated networking, coordinate multiple axes of motion. Parker
multimedia and data logging requirements. controllers have advanced features built
Parker pre-loads Interact or InteractX in, such as kinematics transformation for
HMI software on PowerStation industrial the control of robots and other non-linear
computers to provide a ready-to-go HMI functions. Each Parker controller comes
solution. This bundled approach reduces with free libraries for Visual Basic and
development and integration time for your Visual C++ .
HMI project. Parker Hannifin Corporation
Electromechanical Automation Division
4 Irwin, Pennsylvania