Page 16 - Defence Wing Booklet
P. 16

Fig. 5 : Anti-Dumping Measures on Exports from
                         WTO Members (Initiated and Measures Imposed)

              European Union    86 123
                   Malaysia     89  148
                      Brazil    101 148
                     Russia      122 162
                  Indonesia      130  208
                      Japan       152  215
                   Thailand       146  221
                      India       130  227
                United States       181  283

               Chinese Taipei       197  296
                     Korea             262    417
                      China                                         926            1269
                     Others         197  296

                           0       200     400      600     800     1000     1200    1400
                                        Initiated  Measures Imposed

            Source: WTO data (01.01.1995 to 31.12.2017).

            7.  Fig. 5 outlines the global landscape pertaining to AD investigations and
               measures imposed on exports from WTO members. Exporters of China
               have  been  subjected  to  the  highest  number  of  investigations  (1269
               initiated, 926 measures imposed) followed by Korea (417 initiated, 262
               measures  imposed),  Chinese  Taipei  (296  initiated,  197  measures
               imposed), USA (283 initiated, 181 measures imposed) and India (227
               initiated  and  130  measures  imposed).    Exporters  of  Thailand,  Japan,
               Indonesia, Russia, Brazil, Malaysia and European Union are also among
               the leading subjects of AD Investigations.

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