Page 20 - Defence Wing Booklet
P. 20

Fig. 9: Sector-wise Countervailing Measures Imposed

                         Prepared foodstuff;
                         beverages, spirits,   Others
                          vinegar; tobacco     21%

                           Machinery and                  Base metals and
                             electrical                      articles
                            equipment                         50%

                    Resins, plastics and
                     articles; rubber
                       and articles  Chemical and allied
                          8%            industries

            Source: WTO data (01.01.1995 to 31.12.2017).

            11.  Fig.9 depicts sector-wise distribution of CVD Measures imposed by WTO
                 members  globally  from  1995  to  2017.  Base  Metals  and  Articles
                 constitute the bulk of cases in which the CVD Measures were imposed.  In
                 fact, out of the total CVD Cases where measures are imposed, 50%
                 belong to Base Metal and Articles category followed by Chemicals and
                 Allied  Industries  (9%),  Resins,  Plastics,  Rubber  and  Articles  (8%),
                 Machinery and Electrical Equipment (7%), Prepared food-stuffs, spirit,
                 beverages, vinegar and tobacco (5%) together constituting about 29%
                 share of the total CVD measures imposed by WTO members.

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