Page 30 - Defence Wing Booklet
P. 30
Trade Defence Wing in DGTR
1. The Directorate General of Anti-Dumping and Allied Duties (“DGAD”) has
been restructured as Directorate General of Trade Remedies (“DGTR ”) to
act as the nodal department for all the trade remedial actions prescribed
under the provisions of WTO i.e. Anti-dumping, Countervailing and
Safeguard measures'. Prior to the formation of DGTR, Safeguard
investigations were conducted by the Directorate General of Safeguards,
under the Central Board of Indirect Taxes & Customs, D/o Revenue, and
the Safeguards Quantitative Restrictions investigations was the mandate of
the Directorate General of Foreign Trade (“DGFT”).
2. With effect from 01.04.2016, Countervailing Duty Cell (“CVD Cell”) was
established in the erstwhile DGAD with the aim to defend India's interests in
CVD investigations initiated by WTO member countries against exports
from India. The CVD Cell has successfully defended 37-CVD Investigations
in the last 2½ years (Annexure-2). After the restructuring of DGAD into
DGTR, the CVD Cell has transitioned as Trade Defence Wing (“TDW”) for
defending all trade remedial investigations initiated by WTO member
countries against the exports originating from India.
DGTR was notied vide D/o Commerce Notication No.: 1-34(7)/2018-O&M, dated
17 May, 2018, consequent upon 340 Amendment on Government of India (Allocation of
Business) Rules, 2018 (Notication No. 1/21/4/2018-Cab. dated 07th May, 2018).