Page 47 - Defence Wing Booklet
P. 47
S. Documents to be required Approving
No. Actions Timelines Authority Remarks
(viii) Preparation of Consultation • Legal Counsel: 4-days If the comments from
Note by taking comments from before the scheduled concerned departments
the concerned agencies (v), pre-initiation not received, the
above and the issues raised in
the petition led by Do mestic consultation with IAs consultation does not
Industries of IA. consists of defence of
• TDW : 1- day from
GOI Schemes.
receiving the draft note
from Legal Counsel.
(ix) Vetting from TPD Ÿ TPD: 1-day after JS/ Dir.(TPD)
submitting the note by
(x) Sending note to EOI for Ÿ TDW: 1-day after (a) Consultation Note, AS&DA/
Participation in pre-initiation vetting from TPD (b) Notication, Orders, the JS(TDW)
consultation. relevant portion of the FTPs
Ÿ JS (TDW): 1 day
and at least 2-days of the schemes which are
before the scheduled mentioned in the petition.