Page 58 - Defence Wing Booklet
P. 58

S.  Documents to be required      Approving
 No.  Actions  Timelines            Authority             Remarks

 (viii)  The Legal Counsel on the basis  Ÿ  Legal  Counsel  :  8-  (a)  The nal version of response
 of  the  inputs  provided  by  the   days  before  the  due   from Legal Counsel,
 concerned departments and the   date.  (b)  All  exhibits/attachments
 earlier responses led by GOI in   (with page numbering).
 earlier  cases  provide  the  draft

 (ix)  If  the  inputs  are  not  received  Ÿ  TDW : 7-days before  (a)  Authorization certicate,   As & DA /
 f r o m   t h e   c o n c e r n e d   the due date  (b)  Letter for extension.  JS(TDW)
 departments, 7-days before the
 due  date,  GOI  seek  extension
 from IAs.

 (x)  Scrutiny of response in TDW.  Ÿ  TDW :2-days from the   DD(TDW)  If required, TDW may call
 receipt  of  a  nal                             the  Legal  Counsel  to
 response  from  Legal                            discuss the strategy made
 Counsel.                                         in the response.

 (xi)  Vetting from TPD.  Ÿ  TPD:  2-day  after   (a)  The draft response of GOI.  JS/ Dir. (TPD)
 sending the response
 by TDW.

 (xii)  Filing of response through EOI  Ÿ  TDW:  1-day  after   AS&DA/
 or by Legal Counsel.  receipt  of  vetted   JS (TDW)
 response from TPD,
 Ÿ  JS(TDW):  1-day  and
 at least 3-days before
 the due date .

 Note: The nal version of the response is sent to TPD for vetting at least 4-days in advance to the due date.

 4   Several IAs request GOI to furnish the response in their vernacular language. Hence, the TDW has to provide the English version response to EOI at least 5-days
 before the due date. Hence, all time lines accordingly changed in view of the ling requirement.

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