Page 59 - Defence Wing Booklet
P. 59

Stage-III: Issuance of Supplementary Questionnaires

                          4.     After ling the response by all interested parties, the IA may issue several supplementary questionnaires or
                                 New  Subsidy  Allegations.  Normally  IA  gives  6-7-days  for  ling  the  response  on  the  Supplementary


                             S.                                                                       Documents to be required          Approving
                            No.                 Actions                        Timelines                                                Authority             Remarks

                             (i)    Share  the  Supplementary  Ÿ           TDW: 1-day of receipt  (a)  Supplementary Question-          DD (TDW)
                                    questionnaire  with  the  concer-      of the Supplementary          naire,
                                                                           questionnaire.           (b)  The  relevant  part  of  the
                                    ned  departments  through  E-
                                                                                                         responses led by TDW in
                                    mail  and  also  through  the
                                                                                                         GOI  response  on  prelim-
                                    appropriate mode of communi-                                         inary questionnaire.
                                    cation  and  request  to  provide
                                    the response within 2-days.

                             (ii)   Drafting  the  response  on  the  Ÿ    Legal  Counsel:  3-      (a)  Inputs  received  from  the    DD(TDW)
                                    supplementary  questionnaire           days  before  the  due        concerned departments.
                                    by the Legal Counsel.                  date.

                            (iii)   Make “Request for Extension” if  Ÿ     TDW:  3-days  before  (a)  Authorization certicate,          JS(TDW)
                                    the inputs are not received from       the due date.            (b)  Letter for request.
                                    the  concerned  departments  at
                                    least  4-days  before  the  due

                            (iv)    Scrutiny of response in TDW.       Ÿ   TDW: 1-day after the                                         DD (TDW)
                                                                           receipt of a response
                                                                           f r o m   t h e   L e g a l

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