Page 64 - Defence Wing Booklet
P. 64
Stage-IV Issuance of Preliminary Findings
5. On the basis of responses provided by the GOI and the mandatory respondents, IA issues preliminary
determination/ndings. After receiving the preliminary ndings, the following steps are taken:
S. Documents to be required Approving
No. Actions Timelines Authority Remarks
(i) Scrutiny of Preliminary ndings Ÿ TDW: 3-day of receipt DD (TDW) Ÿ T h e p r e l i m i n a r y
on the following lines: of PF. determination shall
(a) Basis on which the be submitted for the
Schemes have been information of JS
countervailed, (TDW) and AS & DA
within 1-day of its
(b) T h e b a s i s f o r t h e
determination of duty, receipt.
Ÿ JS (TDW) and AS& DA
(c) Whether IA has imposed shall be informed
AFA, if so, the reason for about the counters of
the same.
the scrutiny of the
(d) W h e t h e r I A h a s Preliminary Findings
indicated to conduct the within 7days.
verication of the facts, if
so, Stage-V is followed,
(e) If no (for (d) above),
obtain the schedule for
the ling Case Brief.
(ii) The Legal Counsel provides the Ÿ Legal Counsel: 10- DD (TDW)
legal submission on the d a y s f r o m t h e
determination made by the IAs issuance of PF.