Page 66 - Defence Wing Booklet
P. 66

S.  Documents to be required      Approving
 No.  Actions  Timelines            Authority             Remarks

 (iii)  The mandatory respondents are  • TDW: 5-days from the   (a)  Preliminary Findings  JS(TDW)
 requested  to  provide  their   receipt of PF.
 c o m m e n t s / v i e w s   o n   t h e   • Mandatory respondents:
 Preliminary  Findings  through   10-days from receipt of
 concerned EPCs  the request.

 Stage-V: Verication Meeting

 6.   As per the schedule provided by the IAs, the TDW holds a pre-verication meeting. Normally, IAs inform 15

 days prior to holding the verication. The verication agenda is provided 7-days before the scheduled
 verications. After receipt of the request for the verication, the following steps are taken:

 S.  Documents to be required      Approving
 No.  Actions  Timelines            Authority             Remarks

 (i)  Scrutinize  the  verication  Ÿ  TDW  :    2-days  from   DD (TDW)
 request on the following points:    the  receipt  of  Notice
 (a)  Schemes  which  are  going   for verication.
 to be veried,
 (b)  Verication  agenda,  if
 p r o v i d e d   s t e p - ( i i )   i s
 followed. If not, step-(iii) is

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