Page 70 - Defence Wing Booklet
P. 70

S.  Documents to be required      Approving
 No.  Actions  Timelines            Authority             Remarks

 (iv)  Schedule  a  Pre-verication  Ÿ  TDW: 7-days before   (a)  Meeting Notice,  JS(TDW)  Ÿ  D u r i n g   t h e   p r e -
 meeting  with  all  stakeholders   the scheduled   (b)  Preliminary ndings,  verication  meeting
 viz.  verication.  ©  The  public  version  of  the   the  following  will  be
 (a)  Representatives of admini-  response led by GOI,  ensured:
 strative  ministries  of   (d)  Company-specic   Ÿ  (a)   T h e r e   i s   n o
 s c h e m e s   w h i c h   a r e   information provided by   factual  inconsistency
 decided  to  be  veried  by   the concerned         in  the  response  of
 the  IA  or  the  schemes   Administrative Ministry.  GOI  and  Mandatory
 which  are  determined  as                           Respondents,
 countervailed  in  Prelimin-
                                                  Ÿ   (b)   A  copy  of  duly
 ary ndings,
                                                      lled application form
 (b)  Mandatory respondents,
                                                      or relevant documents
 (c)  Legal Counsel hired,                            for each scheme to be

 (d)  Representatives of EPCs.                        veried are available.
                                                  Ÿ   The  representatives
                                                      of  Administrative
                                                      Departments  are
                                                      briefed  about  the
                                                      verication  in  the
                                                      CVD Investigations.

 (v)  Verication meeting with IA.  Ÿ  TDW:  As  per  the   Chaired by   A l l   o f  c i a l s   o f   t h e
 schedule provided by               JS(TDW)       Administrative  Ministry
 the IA.                                          who  attended  the  pre-
                                                  verication  meeting
                                                  should  also  attend  the
                                                  verication meeting.

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