Page 70 - Defence Wing Booklet
P. 70
S. Documents to be required Approving
No. Actions Timelines Authority Remarks
(iv) Schedule a Pre-verication Ÿ TDW: 7-days before (a) Meeting Notice, JS(TDW) Ÿ D u r i n g t h e p r e -
meeting with all stakeholders the scheduled (b) Preliminary ndings, verication meeting
viz. verication. © The public version of the the following will be
(a) Representatives of admini- response led by GOI, ensured:
strative ministries of (d) Company-specic Ÿ (a) T h e r e i s n o
s c h e m e s w h i c h a r e information provided by factual inconsistency
decided to be veried by the concerned in the response of
the IA or the schemes Administrative Ministry. GOI and Mandatory
which are determined as Respondents,
countervailed in Prelimin-
Ÿ (b) A copy of duly
ary ndings,
lled application form
(b) Mandatory respondents,
or relevant documents
(c) Legal Counsel hired, for each scheme to be
(d) Representatives of EPCs. veried are available.
Ÿ The representatives
of Administrative
Departments are
briefed about the
verication in the
CVD Investigations.
(v) Verication meeting with IA. Ÿ TDW: As per the Chaired by A l l o f c i a l s o f t h e
schedule provided by JS(TDW) Administrative Ministry
the IA. who attended the pre-
verication meeting
should also attend the
verication meeting.