Page 56 - Defence Wing Booklet
P. 56
S. Documents to be required Approving
No. Actions Timelines Authority Remarks
(vii) Stakeholders consultation • T DW : I s s u e s t h e (a) Copy of earlier communi- JS(TDW) During the meeting, the
meeting in DGTR: Meeting Notice 15- cation made for provi- followings should be
days before the due ding the response on the
(a) Concerned Administrative ensured:
date for ling the questionnaire, at (v) above.
Departments of schemes (a) The awaited response
mentioned in the question- response and the should be received
naire. meeting is conducted at from the concerned
least 10-days before
(b) Representatives of State the due date. departments, well
Governments, before the deadline.
(b) No deviation in the
(c) Mandatory respondents,
response of GOI
(d) Concerned EPCs,
and the mandatory
(e) Legal Counsel. respondents,
(c) Determining the
schemes on which
specic attention is
r e q u i r e d i n t h e
response i.e. the
schemes which are
a v a i l e d b y t h e
(d) Direct the concerned
Departments to provide
the copy of Application
and other relevant
documents as required
in the Questionnaire.