Page 23 - MRN 2018 Annual Directory
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2 0 1 8 AN N U AL D I RE C T O R Y
new wing and as funds were available the National Museum Offering an abundance of Hotel accom-
museums volunteer crew, many of whom of the Air Force modations and attractions- whether your
were professional carpenters, electricians Jane Leach interest is shopping, fine dining, outdoor
and other skilled tradesmen, worked on fun or serious golf, Brookfield offers a
the 5,200 square feet area. By 2006, the 1100 Spaatz St comfortable alternative. Just a few miles
entire structure was completed and paid Riverside, OH 45431 from Milwaukee, Brookfield is a popular
in full. On May 23, 2015 the new wing was destination and an ideal place from which
dedicated. 937-255-1712 to enjoy the area’s most popular Milwau- kee attractions including Miller Park, the
DAYTON Milwaukee County Zoo, Milwaukee Coun-
The National Museum of the U.S. Air Force ty War Memorial, Harley-Davidson Muse-
Dayton Convention located near Dayton, Ohio, is the service’s um and so much more.
& Visitors Bureau national institution for preserving and
Teena Sheffler presenting the Air Force story. Each year GREEN BAY
about one million visitors come to the mu-
1 Chamber Plaza Suite A seum to learn about the mission, history Greater Green Bay Convention &
Dayton, OH 45409 and evolving capabilities of America’s Air Visitors Bureau Force. The museum is the world’s largest Denise Humphrey
937-226-8292 and oldest military aviation museum fea-
turing more than 360 aerospace vehicles 1901 S. Oneida St and missiles on display amid more than 19 Ashwaubenon, WI 54304
Dayton, Ohio is known as the birthplace acres of indoor exhibit space. Thousands
of aviation and so much more! Dayton is of personal artifacts, photographs and 920-405-1105
home to the Wright brothers, the Dayton documents further highlight the people
Aviation Heritage National Historical Park, and events that comprise the Air Force
the Wright family mansion Hawthorn Hill, storyline, from the beginnings of military Radisson Hotel Green Bay
the National Museum of the U.S. Air Force flight to today’s war on terrorism. Shelle Ponfil
(the world’s largest and oldest military avi- 2040 Airport Dr
ation museum and the state’s most visited CLEVELAND
free tourist attraction), and Wright Patter- Green Bay, WI 54313
son Air Force Base where scientists and Marriott Cleveland East
engineers at the Air Force Research Labo- Polly Kondrat 26300 Harvard Road 920-405-6438
ratories are developing the latest in Aero- Warrensville Heights, OH 44122
space technology. Dayton/Montgom-
ery County, located at one of the busiest Maximum Room block (on peak): 250
crossroads of America, where I-75 north/ (216) 755-1912 Maximum Banquet (rounds of 8): 800
south meets I-70 east/west, also boasts an
international airport serviced by the major Thank you for your service! Host your
carriers. Accessible, affordable, Dayton, WISCONSIN next Reunion at the Radisson in beautiful
Ohio. BROOKFIELD Green Bay, WI! We have many amenities
right onsite to make your event comfort-
Hope Hotel Visit Brookfield able and accommodating all under one
Susan White Tracy Sinclair roof! Discounted room rates, compli-
mentary breakfast, parking, and wireless
10823 Chidlaw RD/ Bldg #823, 17100 W Bluemound Road, Ste. 201 internet are always part of our package.
Wright-Patterson Air Force Base, OH Brookfield, WI 53005 Our flexible banquet space can accom-
45433 modate groups from 10 people to 800 262-789-0220 people. Offering a variety of options to
(937)879-3466 match your needs! Bring your own food
and beverage into your personal hospital- Praised by visitors and travel planners alike, ity room located right in the hotel. Please
Brookfield offers a convenient, suburban, contact us to set up your reunion today!
experience, just minutes from Milwaukee. We look forward to working together! ■