Page 21 - MRN 2018 Annual Directory
P. 21
2 0 1 8 AN N U AL D I RE C T O R Y
tle and a central U.S. location, our full- downtown boasting 150+ restaurants, COLUMBUS
service hotel provides the perfect venue nightclubs, shops and museums within a
for military reunion groups. In addition, five-minute walk of seven excellent hotels. Experience Columbus
we are also within 10 minutes of every ma- One of the nations finest botanical gar- Sarah Doodan
jor Louisville attraction and we are experi- dens, three huge shopping malls and wide 277 W. Nationwide Blvd, Ste. 125
enced! We have hosted groups as small range of outdoor recreation options are Columbus, OH 43215
as the USS Arcadia and as large as the 1st just 10 minutes away. All of this, plus an ale
Cavalry Division Association. Please visit trail of 40+ breweries, a thriving farm-to-
our website to view our wonderful prop- fork food scene, public art galore, North 614-222-6146
erty and all of its many amenities. Americas best airport and much more (in-
cluding the Gerald R Ford Presidential Mu- Museums, collections and historical sites,
MICHIGAN seum, USS Silversides, LST 393). as well as the National Veterans Memorial
FRANKENMUTH MINNESOTA and Museum (opening in late 2018), make
Bavarian Inn BLOOMINGTON Columbus the ideal destination for your
military reunion. Let Experience Colum-
Jaylee Compau bus help you plan a successful reunion by
One Covered Bridge Lane Bloomington CVB assisting with hotel selection, connecting
Frankenmuth, MI 48734 Tony Cook you with our preferred service providers
and receiving customized onsite services 2131 Lindua Lane for your reunion. We respect the service
989-652-7206 Bloomington, MN 55425 and sacrifices made by all veterans, from historical events to current conflicts. We
952-278-8532 look forward to hosting your next military
Since its original founding as the Union reunion!
House in 1888, the Bavarian Inn has been
offering an extraordinary blend of great OHIO
German food and hospitality in Franken- (NEAR COLUMBUS)
muth, Michigan. Our exclusive location BEAVERCREEK (DAYTON AREA)
on the banks of the Cass River allows your Greene County Ohio CVB- Motts Military Museum
guests the best of both worlds: a short Warren Motts
walk to the shops, attractions and restau- WPAFB 5075 South Hamilton Rd
rants of one of Michigan’s leading destina- Lisa Willis Groveport, OH 43125
tions, and the convenience of 360 Bavari- 1221 Meadowbridge Dr Ste A
an themed guestrooms and 15,000 square Beavercreek, OH 45434
feet of first class meeting space (seating 614) 836-1500
from 5 to 500), all under one roof. Add
four indoor pools (one for adults only), 937-320-9865 Motts Military Museum was founded in
two waterslides, three whirlpools, two gift 1987 by Warren E. Motts. The mission is to
shops, two restaurants, two lounges (one Just east of Dayton is an outstanding des- educate the public on the importance of
featuring nightly entertainment), a two tination for your reunion Greene Coun- Americas military past through the doc-
acre family fun center, an 18 hole indoor ty, Ohio, home of Wright-Patterson Air umentation, collection, interpretation,
miniature golf course and you have the Force Base and the National Museum of and preservation of tangible artifacts and
matchless Bavarian Inn Lodge. the USAF, one of the greatest museums personal stories of the men and women
of the world. How you’re treated is just who served and are serving in the United
GRAND RAPIDS as important as where you go. From your States Armed Forces. Originally estab-
first call to the last farewell, your work as lished in the Motts familys 1870 residence,
Experience Grand Rapids a planner should be made easier and the the museum moved in 1999 to a more
Kelsey Helstowski results should make you look like a hero. modern 5,100 square foot facility with
171 Monroe Ave, NW, Suite 545 The Greene County, Ohio CVB can make nearly four acres of land. The new build-
Grand Rapids, MI 49503 that happen with site visits to hotels and ing and grounds were given to the Muse- help in nailing down the details. When its um through the generosity of Columbus
show time, Lisa Willis will see to it that your
Attorney Robert R. Richards who was a
616-233-3546 group will have name tags to be proud of former special agent of the War Depart- and extra touches such as custom wel- ment during World War II. Over the next
come signs that make it clear to your at- several years the museum grew in leaps
Grand Rapids, Michigan #20 on the New tendees that Greene County has taken the and bounds. Donations poured in from
York Times list of 52 Places to Go World- time to get to know whos coming. veterans and their families. The museum
wide in 2016 offers a world-class trav- secured many vehicles, military aircraft,
el experience without world-class costs and a Higgins Boat from World War II. In
or hassles. It begins with a safe, clean
2001, the museum broke ground for a