Page 16 - MRN 2018 Annual Directory
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2 0 1 8 AN N U AL D I RE C T O R Y
surprisingly cutting edge. Southern hos- But at Sea Mist you pay what you are your next reunion! Where else can you
pitality, world-class meeting sites, famed quoted with no hidden charges. find reunion-friendly hotels, world-class
tours and attractions and a stunningly 2) Myrtle Beach Best Buy: Lodging and attractions and memories at every tur-
beautiful location make Charleston re- Breakfast from $74 - $95 per room per nall within a few blocks and within your
unions productive and memorable. Please night featuring your choice of lodging budget? Our top-notch CVB services rival
contact the Charleston CVB to help plan types plus Breakfast at Tena’s an All- what youll find in a bigger city with the
your next reunion. You-Can-Eat Buffet with over 40 items personal touch of a small town, and the
to choose from. can-do spirit to help you every step of the
MYRTLE BEACH 3) RETIRED MILITARY BEACH PACKAGES way. Find out for yourself: book your next
4) Sea Mist features a casual atmosphere reunion in the right-sized city with the
Myrtle Beach Area CVB on over 15 - acres complimented by a right attitude.
Melanie Doty large assortment of hotel amenities.
1200 N Oak Street Enjoy multiple swimming pools, large GATLINBURG
Jacuzzis, Fitness Room, Restaurants,
Myrtle Beach, SC 29577 Free Parking, 24-hour Security, a Con- Black Bear Inn and Suites ference Center with a full-service ca- Michelle Hammontree
843-685-8585 tering staff. 1100 Parkway Just call 1.800.200.8687 and speak to Gatlinburg, TN 37738
reunions your Reunion Specialist or visit www. Lodging and packages re-
Myrtle Beach, SC boasts year round mild quire 10 rooms or more to qualify you for 800-933-0777
temperatures and 60 miles of glittering At- Group Travel rates.
lantic Ocean. Each group traveling to the
area needs an individual and memorable The Alabama Theatre With top-of-the-line facilities, The Clar-
experience and our eclectic mix of activi- ion Inn & Suites Gatlinburg provides any
ties and accommodations will ensure that Kathy B Flowe CMP important meeting or event with the at-
all of your military reunion group mem- 4750 Highway 17 South tention it needs and deserves. We're only
bers leave content and eager to return. North Myrtle Beach, SC 29582 100 yards from the beautiful Great Smoky
Walk down our award-winning oceanfront Mountains National Park. We're also with-
boardwalk or enjoy an afternoon of golf 843-272-5758 in walking distance of many of Gatlinburg's
at one of 100 championship courses. For most popular attractions and restaurants.
fun seekers, our water parks, theme parks Additionally, our comfortable accommo-
or Riverboat attractions are sure to please. Myrtle Beach largest production show & dations and group block rates ensures
Those looking for downtime can indulge SCs top attended live entertainment the- your group enjoys not only the event but
in the many fantastic spas, specialty bou- atre. The Show & The Souths Grandest their overnight stay as well. Group accom-
tiques, outlets or shopping malls. After a Christmas Show have continually been modations, room blocks, affordable rates
satisfying meal at one of our areas 1,700 Voted #1 by Myrtle Beach Visitors & Lo- and a top-notch meeting and event staff
restaurants, spend an evening at one of cals (Sun News Readers Poll). We have guarantee your guests will have a grand
the live theaters, variety shows or night- also been nominated for the Venue of time from the moment they get here to
clubs. the Year by the Country Music Associa- the time they depart.
tion. TripAdvisor has given us the "Award
Sea Mist Oceanfront Resort of Excellence." We offer a first-class off- Edgewater Hotel and
Leanne McCulloch site evening of entertainment with din- Conference Center
1200 S Ocean Blvd ner packages including shuttle service for Mike McElroy
Myrtle Beach, SC 29577 groups of 20 to 2,000. 402 River Rd TENNESSEE Gatlinburg, TN 37738
800-200-8687 CHATTANOOGA 865-277-0159
group-functions/military/ Chattanooga Area CVB
Maximum Room Block- 200 Christina Petro The Edgewater Hotel & Conference Cen-
Maximum Banquet- 350 736 Market Street, 18th Floor ter located on the Little Pigeon River in
Chattanooga, TN 37402 downtown Gatlinburg, Tennessee boasts
Proud to Serve Those Who Have Served 205 lavishly decorated guest rooms of-
Us So Well. Thank You for Our FREEDOM! fering the most breath-taking views of the
Its Retired Military Reunions Made Easy at 423-424-4417 Great Smoky Mountains. Enjoy all interi-
Sea Mist Oceanfront in Myrtle Beach! or corridors, private balconies, compli-
1) You Pay No Resort Fees Ever! Some meetings/ mentary parking, free Wi-Fi and year round
swimming in our heated indoor/ outdoor
places charge 18 to 22% in hotel fees. Chattanooga is the perfect destination for