Page 11 - MRN 2018 Annual Directory
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2 0 1 8 AN N U AL D I RE C T O R Y
FAIRFAX ble marks on the history of this area. This Air & Space Center and the Miss Hampton
rich history has given the City of Freder- II Harbor Cruise, a three-hour tour that
Visit Fairfax - Washington DC icksburg a downtown area full of genu- brings passengers past the mighty fleet
Dean Miller 3702 Pender Drive, Ste ine historical and architectural treasures. at Naval Station Norfolk. There are over
420 Over 350 original and century buildings in 1,800 hotels rooms in the city, with nine
Fairfax, VA 22030 the City’s 40-block National Historic Dis- properties offering on-site meeting space.
trict reflect some of the most interesting
The meeting experts at the Hampton
703-790-0643 periods in Americas past. Though the city Convention & Visitor Bureau are ready to
meeting-planners/reunions/ has a rich historical presence, you will also assist you at any point in your event plan-
No other destination in the country pub- find reunion facilities, ranging from small ning process.
licly celebrates the service and sacrifice historic inns to the convenience of mod-
of Americas veterans like the National ern hotels. We are conveniently located NEWPORT NEWS
Capital area does and meeting in Fair- on I-95, with rail service via Amtrak or Vir-
fax County, Virginia puts you right in the ginia Railway Express. Major airports are Newport News Tourism
center of everything you and your buddies just one hour away in Washington, D. C. Development Office
will want to see and do. From the monu- and Richmond, Virginia. Fredericksburg Cheryl Morales
ments and memorials of Washington, DC is located just minutes for the National
to the grandeur of George Washington’s Museum of the Marine Corps and Marine 700 Town Center Drive, Suite 320
Mount Vernon and the excitement of the Corps Base Quantico. Fredericksburg also Newport News, VA 23606
Smithsonian National Air & Space Muse- has a dinner theater that boasts off-Broad-
um Stephen F. Udvar-Hazy Center, Fairfax way talent. Four Civil War battlefields wel- 757-926-1428
County and the surrounding area are filled come visitors to share our past military
with must see€ attractions for every re- history. Our staff will work closely with
union group. your reunion to ensure a successful event. Newport News, Virginia provides the per-
We can assist with finding the perfect host fect location and services to make your
Visit Fairfax, the county’s Destination Mar- hotel, site visits, planning of off-site tours reunion a success! Centrally located just
keting Organization, is At Your Service and programs, images and program con- minutes from Williamsburg and a short
with helpful and free advice, insight, and tent, name badges and welcome packets drive to Norfolk and Virginia Beach, New-
assistance. Whether its finding you great for attendees. port News is the best location for a Coast-
hotels at great rates, making introductions al Virginia reunion.
to personnel at the county’s world-class HAMPTON
attractions, or simply recommending Transportation access via car, Amtrak, and
restaurants, Visit Fairfax is at the ready to Hampton Convention & Visitor the Newport News/Williamsburg Inter-
serve those who have served. Bureau national Airport. We can accommodate
Netti Fulton, CMP small to mid-size reunions with over 256
Give Dean Miller a call today, and let him hotel rooms and 25,000 square feet of
go to work on your groups next gathering. 1919 Commerce Drive, Suite 290 combined meeting space in our largest
Hampton, VA 23666 full-service hotel. Our nationally-known
FREDERICKSBURG museums celebrate nature, the sea and
our nation’s military heritage. Our lively
Fredericksburg Virginia entertainment calendar and hundreds of
Regional Tourism Partners In the heart of Coastal Virginia, youll find shopping and dining choices, including
specialty stores and chef-owned restau-
Victoria Matthews Hampton, a waterfront destination with rants, complete the picture. Visit the
706 Caroline St over 400 years of history. Nestled on Mariners Museum and Park and see why
Fredericksburg, VA 22401 the western end of the Chesapeake Bay, Congress designated them Americas Na- Hampton is convenient to Interstate-64, tional Maritime Museum! And while you
540-372-1216 both Norfolk International Airport and are there, explore the USS Monitor Cen-
ter and see the challenges faced by NOAA
Newport News/Williamsburg Internation- al Airport, and all of the cities in Hampton in conserving hundreds of artifacts from
The Fredericksburg Regional Tourism Roads. The proud home of Langley Air the Two impressive military museums can
Partnership invites you to host your next Force Base, our city is steeped in military also be found in Newport News: The US
reunion in Fredericksburg, VA. From the history. Fort Monroe National Monument, Army Transportation Museum at Fort Eu-
adventurous days of the New World ex- decommissioned as an active Army post in stis and the Virginia War Museum. Out-
plorers to the devastating days of the Civil 2011, is one of Hamptons most visited at- standing services and support, the best
War, famous and ordinary travelers have tractions. From Hampton, the city €œFirst value and plenty to see and do, Newport
sojourned in our beautiful city. Captain from the sea, First to the stars€, there are News will make your next reunion a mem-
John Smith, George Washington, Thomas more than 15 historic military attractions orable one.
Jefferson, James Monroe, Robert E. Lee within a 30-minute drive. Hamptons own
and Ulysses S. Grant have all made indeli- downtown is home to both the Virginia