Page 6 - MRN 2018 Annual Directory
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2 0 1 8  AN N U AL  D I RE C T O R Y



                                                   NORTHEAST REGION
                                                   P A G E   S TAT E            P A G E   S TAT E
                    New York                         6    Connecticut            7    Pennsylvania
                               Conn RI               6    Delaware               9    Rhode Island
                                                     6    Maine                  9    Virginia
               Pennsylvania    New Jersey            7    Massachusetts          12   Washington
                                                     7    New Jersey             12   West Virginia
                             Deleware                7    New York
                          Washington, D.C.
           Virginia  Virginia

        CONNECTICUT                          DELAWARE                             and State Parks.  Nature based activities
        MYSTIC                               DOVER                                include kayaking, nature cruises, ferry
                                                                                  rides, trails, surfing, skim boarding, paddle
        Mystic Seaport: The Museum of        Visit Delaware Villages              boarding, sailing and more.  Just add his-
        American and the Sea                 John Doerfler                        torical venues and live performing arts to
        Margaret Milnes                      435 North DuPont Highway             make your stay a perfect one!
        75 Greenmanville Ave                 Dover, DE  19901                     MAINE
        Stonington, CT  6355           302-734-4888                         PORTLAND
        860-572-5309                           Clarion Hotel Portland ME                                                     Heather Levesque
                                             REHOBOTH BEACH                       1230 Congress St
        The Museum of America and the Sea has                                     Portland, ME  4102
        hosted 100s of military reunions over  Rehoboth Beach-Dewey Beach
        the years. Veterans love our restaurants,   COC                 
        meeting rooms and unique, ever-chang-  Carol Everhart                     207-774-5611
        ing special events. With 4 registered Na-                       
        tional Historic Site vessels to explore -- in-  501 Rehoboth Avenue       clarion_hotel/military-reunions/
        cluding The Charles W. Morgan, the only  Rehoboth Beach, DE  19971
        surviving wooden whaleship in the world              Maximum guest room block: 75
        plus always-new exhibits and exhibitions,   302-227-6446                  Maximum Banquet group: 200
        boat tours along the historic Mystic River
        aboard the Navy launch Liberty, or on the                                 The Clarion Hotel welcomes you!  Enjoy
        restored 1908 steamboat Sabino, there’s   The award-winning Resort Area of Re-  our experienced reunion hotel and the
        something here for everyone. Wander   hoboth Beach & Dewey Beach, Delaware   staff that works closely with planners to
        through The DuPont Preservation Ship-  is known for awesome hotels, specialty   help create memorable reunions.  Hos-
        yard where Mystic Seaport shipwrights   stores, amusements, recreational activ-  pitality and banquet rooms available for
        are restoring The Mayflower 11 until June   ities, tax-free shopping and some of the   groups from 10 to 200.  Located close to
        2019 or enjoy a sit-down show at our plan-  finest restaurants anywhere.  Rehoboth   Portland’s downtown Old Port, Casco Bay
        etarium. Our team works with local hotels   Beach has a quaint small town feel a   Islands, and the Maine Mall there is plenty
        and reunion planners to create one-of-  real walking downtown with a mile-long   to enjoy!  We offer complimentary shuttle
        a-kind events that attract a massive turn-  boardwalk and all the fun, relaxation or   service to these locations and all trans-
        out. Our four on-site restaurants create   excitement you could ask for.  Dewey   portation hubs.  Conveniently situated off
        options to suit every need from delicious   Beach offers beach sports and activities   of I-295 and a short trip from Bath Iron
        box lunches, to a sit-down dinner for 300   as well as great restaurants, majestic sun-  Works, Maine Maritime Museum, Freeport
        in our river side ballroom. Located halfway   sets, live music, and nightlife that is world   and Kittery Outlets.  Relax after a day of ex-
        between Boston and New York, or just 45   famous.  The Resorts Gateway (Highway   citing tours in our hot tub or large indoor
        minutes from Bradley Airport in Hartford   One), offers a mile of style at the Tanger   pool and enjoy dinner in our lounge, Pete
        or T.F. Green Airport in Providence, it’s an   Outlet Center and more great restaurants,   and Larry’s.  Past reunion planners happily
        easy trip to get here.               bars, shops, rides, and attractions. Visitors   request to be contacted for referrals.
                                             enjoy  exploring  the  Delaware  coastline
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