Page 9 - MRN 2018 Annual Directory
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2 0 1 8  AN N U AL  D I RE C T O R Y

                                                                                NORTHEAST REGION

                                                                                                 C O N TI N U E D

        your Military reunion.  And smiling, friend-  Discover Philadelphia       Island.   The hotel offers complimentary
        ly service.   It all comes together at the Red   Darnell Belford          airport shuttle service and complimentary
        Lion Hotel Harrisburg Hershey.                                            parking for all guests.  We have 266 gues-
                                             1601 Market Street, Suite 200        trooms and 45,000 square feet of func-
                                             Philadelphia, PA  19103
        KING OF PRUSSIA                          tion space.
        Valley ForgeCVB                      215-636-3308                         VIRGINIA
        Shannon Reagan                               ARLINGTON
        1000 First Ave Suite 101             Known as Americas birthplace and home
        King of Prussia PA 1906              to the nation’s first convention, Philadel-  Arlington Convention & Visitors
        610-834-7971                         phia is the easy choice for your next mil-  Service               itary reunion or gathering. With hundreds  Portia Conerly
                                             of hotel rooms to choose from at every   1100 N Glebe Road Ste. 1500
        Just  18  miles  from  Philadelphia,  Valley   price point, we can help you find the per-  Arlington, VA  22201
        Forge and Montgomery County, Pa., of-  fect location for your reunion all within
        fers an affordable setting for nearly any   walking distance to shops, restaurants,
        size meeting or convention. The area is   attractions, history and culture.  The Phil-  703-228-0873
        a one-stop shop to find all the resourc-  adelphia Convention & Visitors Bureau is
        es needed to produce any size conven-  here to help. Our award-winning Conven-
        tion, meeting, trade show, sports or social   tion Sales and Services team is your one-  CHESAPEAKE
        event. The easily accessible area offers   stop shop for making booking a breeze
        affordability, flexible facilities, and a con-  ready to do the leg work and take care of   Chesapeake Convention &
        venient location.                    the details to ensure a successful reunion  Visitors Bureau
                                             or event.                            Jo Slack
        Valley Forge is home to more than a doz-                                  1224 Progressive Dr
        en full-service convention hotels and five
        state-of-the-art IACC-approved confer- RHODE ISLAND                       Chesapeake, VA  23320
        ence centers. Large venue event spaces  WARWICK                 
        include the Valley Forge Casino Resort                                    757-382-1351
        with 100,000 square-feet of meeting   Crowne Plaza Hotel Providence
        space, and the 240,000-square-foot  - Warwick
        Greater Philadelphia Expo Center.    Sarah Shibley                        Chesapeake, Virginia combines extraor-
                                             801 Greenwich Avenue                 dinary facilities, a convenient location,
        Philadelphia Area                    Warwick, RI  02886                   and exceptional value making it the per-
        Clarion Hotel & Conference Center    sarah.shibley@crownehotelwarwick.    fect place to host your military reunion.
        Karen Vincent                        com                                  Located in the heart of Coastal Virgin-
                                                                                  ia (Hampton Roads), its the ideal launch
        76 Industrial Highway                401-732-6000                         point  for  enjoying  all  the  region  has  to
        Essington, PA  19029                      offer.  Situated along major interstates                                                   and located near Norfolk International
        610-521-9600                         Conveniently located off of I-95, the   Airport, Chesapeake is easily accessible
                                             Crowne Plaza Providence-Warwick is just                       30 minutes or less from everything Rhode   by both land and air.  Chesapeake is only
                                                                                  minutes from the Virginia Beach ocean-
        We love Military Reunions and under-  Island has to offer!  We are the proud host   front, downtown Norfolk and less than
        stand what is important to you Welcome   to many Military Reunions and they are   an hour from Colonial Williamsburg.  The
        to the Clarion Hotel & Conference Cen-  among our best groups!  Here are a few   Chesapeake Convention & Visitors Bureau
        ter, Essington, PA, approximately 2.5 miles   reasons why we are so popular for re-  offers a wide range of services including
        from PHL Airport.  We offer the follow-  unions: Historic Providence 30 minutes   RFP assistance, pre-event promotion, lo-
        ing: Complimentary self parking Com-  from Newport, RI - with the Naval War   cal referrals, marketing support and many
        plimentary oversize parking lot for larger   College, Museum, Officers Club, Fort Ad-  other support services most of which are
        cars/bus parking -Complimentary shut-  ams and 7 Historical Mansions 30 minutes   free! Chesapeake offers over 4,000 hotel
        tle service to and from PHL -On site bar/  from Battleship Cove in Fall River, MA 45   rooms from the most familiar names in
        restaurant, Red Fire Grille -17,000 square   minutes from Mystic Seaport and the Sub-  the industry including Marriott, Hyatt, and
        of meeting/conference space -Hospitality   marine Nautilus and Museum in CT 1 hour   Hilton.  Chesapeake is surrounded by his-
        room availability -Private dining/banquet   from Boston and the USS Constitution and   toric sites, wonderful attractions and an
        room opportunities -297 guest rooms -3   Museum.                          abundance of restaurants and shopping
        Suites -One on one conference planner                                     for groups to enjoy.
        from check in to check out.          The Crowne Plaza Hotel is the first choice
                                             of those seeking the best in accommoda-
                                             tions, convenience and service in Rhode

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