Page 12 - MRN 2018 Annual Directory
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2 0 1 8  AN N U AL  D I RE C T O R Y


        C O N TI N U E D

        NORFOLK                              the elaborate. This versatile facility can ac-
        Visit Norfolk                        commodate virtually any request.   Events
                                             held at the National Museum of the Marine  WASHINGTON DC
        Melissa Hopper                       Corps are catered exclusively by Aramark,
        232 E Main St                        known for catering the most prestigious  Hampton Inn Washington, DC -
        Norfolk, VA  23510                   events. With personalized event planning  NoMa,        and renowned catering, your occasion will   Union Station
        800 368 3097                         be sensational.                      Michelle Earl, Sales Manager            RESTON                               501 New York Ave, NE
        Nor-fok, or Naw-fok, no matter how you   Sheraton Reston                  Washington, DC  20002
        pronounce it, the experience will always   Melodye Bridges      
        be the same: fun, vibrant entertainment   11810 Sunrise Valley Dr         202 791 9383
        and culture, delicious cuisine and 144                          
        miles of shoreline waiting to be explored!  Reston, VA  20191
        Take a tour of the Elizabeth River harbor on          WEST VIRGINIA
        a majestic tall ship, sip on some of the best   703-262-5931              CHARLESTON
        wines around at Mermaid Winery, Virginias
        very first urban winery, or watch world-re-                               Charleston West Virginia (Hip,
        nowned artists blow glass at the Chrysler  RICHMOND                       Historic...Almost Heaven)
        Museum Glass Studio. If history is your   Virginia Tourism Corporation    Todd Morris
        thing, sign up for a boat or land tour of the   Stephanie C. Kenney       601 Morris Street Suite 204
        worlds  largest  Naval  Base  or  stop  by  the   901 East Byrd St        Charleston, WV  25301
        MacArthur Memorial.. With its mild year-
        round climate, convenient airport and easy  Richmond, VA  23219 
        driving distance to two-thirds of the U.S.          304-344-5075
        population, Norfolk is the perfect destina-  804-545-5547       
        tion for reunions of all types and sizes. Our
        complimentary reunion planning services                                   ***Note from RFN*** Todd Morris is a
        can assist with everything from finding ho-  With its blend of sheer beauty, rich heritage,   proud veteran who is a member of many
        tels facilities, day tours, site visits, shuttle   southern hospitality and value, Virginia is   local veterans organizations.  He is a re-
        service, attractions and group discounts.  the perfect meeting destination.  Whether   cent recipient of the Volunteer Honor-
                                             hosting a retreat on a mountain vista or a   ing the Warrior medal from the Vietnam
        QUANTICO                             conference in a state-of-the-art conven-  Veterans of America as well as the Chap-
        National Museum                      tion center, Virginia easily accommodates   el  of Four Chaplains Legion of  Honor
                                                                                  Award from the Marine Corp League.
        of the Marine Corps                  groups of all sizes and budgets.  Value and   Hip, HistoricAlmost Heaven Charleston
                                             quality customer service are key benefits.
        Kendall Eskey                        Explore the majesty of Virginias exciting at-  West  Virginia  is  the  destination  for  your
        18900 Jefferson Davis Hwy            tractions unique chef-owned restaurants,   meeting and reunion. We are located at
        Quantico, VA  22134                  outdoor adventure and fascinating histori-  the intersection of three Interstates  I-79,             cal sites.   Virginia understands your respon-  I-77, I-64  and within 500 miles of 66
                                                                                  percent of the U.S. population.  Charles-
        703-649-2350                         sibilities, and our destination marketing or-  tons Yeager Airport (CRW) has over 40
                                             ganizations (DMOs) in every state region                stand ready to help you with logistics as   daily flights to 10 nonstop destinations
        A first-class, cutting-edge and world-re-  well as enhancement of your attendee’s ex-  with service provided by American, Delta,
        nowned facility, the National  Museum of   periences.  Our highly experienced industry   United, US Airways and Spirit.   Our down-
        the Marine Corps offers your guests an   specialists meet the challenges of coordi-  town is home to seven hotels with more
        unforgettable experience amidst some   nating gatherings of all sizes, budgets and   than 1,700 sleeping rooms and first-class
        of the nation´s most historic and trea-  expectations with dependable profession-  meeting facilities.   All are within walk-
        sured artifacts. From corporate functions   alism and efficiency.  Virginia is the premier   ing distance to one of the largest indoor
        to personal occasions, our professional   meetings destination for your conference.   shopping malls on the east coast and a
        staff is dedicated to providing the highest                               plethora of fine dining choices.  Charles-
        quality service for each event. With sev-  WILLIAMSBURG                   tons best attribute is our people. Our staff
        eral exclusive spaces available for spe-  Great Wolf Lodge Williamsburg    does what it takes to make your meeting
        cial events, the Museum has the perfect   Cara Fuscia                     successful. In fact, weve received two
        setting for any occasion, whether it be    549 E. Rochambeau Drive        Readers Choice Awards for outstanding
        an intimate luncheon for twenty or an el-                                 professionalism, creativity and dedication
        egant reception and dinner for 650.   The    Williamsburg, VA  23188      to the industry. From our mayor to our
        Museum will open its doors to co-spon-             partners  we all strive to exceed your ex-
        sor events ranging from the intimate to  (757)345-7148                    pectations. ■

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