Page 14 - MRN 2018 Annual Directory
P. 14

2 0 1 8  AN N U AL  D I RE C T O R Y


                                                                 Kissimmee, Flori-  Maximum Banquet (rounds of 8): 300
                                                                 da salutes military   people
                                                                 reunions of every
                                                                 size year-round.   The Ramada Gateway is conveniently lo-
                                                                 With so many     cated just one mile from the entrance into
                                                                 things to do and   Disney World and proud to host many
                                                                 see,   choosing  military reunions each year.  Our unique
                                                                 Kissimmee adds   property boasts 500 rooms with both in-
                                                                 a unique appeal   terior corridor deluxe tower rooms and
                                                                 for having fun,   budget friendly exterior standard rooms.
                                                                 making memo-     The Ramada Gateway has true hospitality
                                                                 ries and reminisc-  suites where you may bring in your own
                                                                 ing with life-long   food & beverages, which are the perfect
                                                                 friends.  Choose a   place to convene with your military bud-
                                                                 Kissimmee resort   dies.   Banquet facilities are available for
                                                                 for your next Mil-  up to 300 guests.  With our onsite restau-
                                                                 itary Reunion and   rant and lounge, the Ramada Gateway
                                                                 everyone staying   can handle all of your reunion needs.  The
                                                                 overnight will re-  Kissimmee area is so much more than just
                                                                 ceive a FREE cus-  Disney World, with dinner theaters, mili-
                                                                 tomized  T-shirt  tary museums, and unique Florida activi-
                                                                 with your groups   ties. Planning your reunion in Kissimmee
                                                                 name and logo,   will ensure a great turnout.
                                                                 including spous-
                                                                 es and guests!     PANAMA CITY
                                                                 Just  click  on
                                                                 our website link  Panama City Beach CVB
                                                                 above and regis-  Ann Gager
                                                                 ter! It is that easy.    P.O. Box 9473
                                                                 In  addition  to
                                                                 being a popular   Panama City Beach, FL  32417
                                                                 vacation  destina-
                                                                 tion, Kissimmee  850-233-5070
                                                                 has a wide variety
                                                                 of attractions that
                                                                 military reunions   Located in the center of Northwest Flor-
                                                                 enjoy.      From   ida, Panama City Beach offers a beautiful
        home comfort, excellent service and   dinner shows to airboat rides, chocolate   backdrop for any military reunion, in a vet-
        warm hospitality provided by our staff.  factory tours to classic car parades, your   eran-friendly community thats home to
                                             group is sure to experience a reunion like   Navy and Air Force bases.  Panama City
        Visit Jacksonville                   no other in the country. Spend a couple   Beach has 27 miles of pristine, white-sand
        Laurie Allen                         of days or more exploring several or all of   beaches with crystal-clear emerald waters
        208 W Laura Street Suite 102         the sites.                           lining the shoreline. This is gorgeous set-
        Jacksonville, FL  32202                                                   ting is sure to please any guest and offers
                                                                                  fishing, golf, shopping, and a wide variety         Experience Kissimmee also provides plan-  of dining options! While summer is the
                                             ners newsletter flyers, welcome bags and
        904-421-9183                         area guides.   Start planning your reunion   busiest, Panama City Beach also has fami-                to remember! Contact Jadeine Shives for   ly-friendly shoulder season special events,
                                             more information.                    like  the  annual  Pirates  of the  High  Seas
        KISSIMMEE                                                                 Fest,  Chasin  the  Sun  Music  Festival  and
                                                                                  the New Years Eve Beach Ball Drop! Ac-
        Experience Kissimmee CVB             Ramada Gateway                       commodation partners offer off-season
                                             Janis Blair
        Jadeine Shives                       7470 W Irlo Bronson Memorial Hwy     discounts  during  the  shoulder  seasons,
        215 Celebration Place Suite 200      Kissimmee, FL  34747                 offering great value during April, May, Sep-
        Kissimmee, FL  34747                      tember, October and the winter months
                                                                                  for budget conscious planners.  Panama      407-997-6614                         City Beach is a perfect location for your
        407-569-4855                               upcoming military reunion. Come discov-
        www.militaryreunionsinkissimmee.                                          er our Real. Fun. Beach.
        com                                  Maximum Room block (on peak): 150

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