Page 26 - MRN 2018 Annual Directory
P. 26
Update your reunion information …..
The Military Reunion network will list your upcoming reunion complimentary
on our website and in our quarterly magazine. Just let us know where and when you are
meeting and we will take it from there.
Organization:_____________________________________ Name:___________________________________
Address:__________________________________________City, State ZIP_____________________________
Daytime Phone:_________________________Email Address:_______________________________________
Reunion Location:_city and state only____________Reunion Dates:___ie Sept 15-20 2019________________
Please forward my reunion information to the following organizations. I understand my
name, phone and email may be listed publicly along with my reunion information for these
organizations. _____(initial here)
____American Legion ____DAV ____VFW ____Tin Can Sailors ____USSVI ____VVA
MRN Reunion Listing Policy: In order to protect your privacy and reduce unwanted solicitation, reunion
information published with The Military Reunion Network will be limited to the following information:
MRN Quarterly Magazine: Reunion Organization, Reunion Dates, Reunion Location.
MRN Website: Reunion organization (with or without logo), Reunion planner name,
Reunion dates, Reunion location, Embedded email link, and
Embedded website link.
Reunion Details such as registration costs and dates, agenda and organizer
message information can be included as well.
Update your reunion information via email:
Send your reunion update to:
The Military Reunion Network
2801 Bickford Ave Suite 103-172
Snohomish, Wa 98290