Page 32 - MRN 2018 Annual Directory
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2 0 1 8  AN N U AL  D I RE C T O R Y


        C O N TI N U E D

        Welcome gift upon check-in for all regis-  night stays. Banquets, hospitality rooms  417-334-4084
        tered guests in the group block (water +   and shuttle services are just a few of the
        cookie/pretzels.)                    requests that can easily be accommodat-  reunions
                                             ed. And reunion attendees wont lack for
        Automatic Gold Status in LaQuinta Re-  things to do. View military history at the   Branson Honors Veterans Every Day!  This
        turns Military Rewards.              Global Power Museum and see rare art,   sincere community-wide ideal is the driv-
        Complimentary king suite upgrade for the   sculpture and firearms at the Norton Art   ing force behind Bransons long-standing
        group planner.                       Gallery. Take a leisurely boat ride with the   reputation as the top destination for mili-
                                             Spirit of the Red River Cruise or try your   tary reunions 365 days a year.  Our live en-
        Complimentary hot breakfast buffet and   aim at the DavTac shooting range. And no   tertainment venues pay tribute to veterans
        wi-fi.                               trip to the area would be complete with-  and  active-duty  audience  members  with
                                             out tasting delicious foods like smothered   special recognition, while attraction ven-
        National WWII Museum                 pork chops or southern-style barbecue   ues also create meaningful memorial ser-
        Shelly Dupy                          ribs. Interesting activities, wonderful cui-  vices for military reunions.  Veterans es-
        945 Magazine St                      sine and affordability make Shreveport   pecially enjoy our military museum which
                                                                                  offers a journey through history.  Annually,
                                             and Bossier special places to visit.
        New Orleans, LA  70130                                                    always November 5-11, Branson presents    Go to to begin   tribute shows, holds special events includ-
        504-274-1248                         planning your reunion today or call (318)   ing Era Reunions, Grand Galas, and more,                429-0625.                            all dedicated to honoring armed forces
                                                                                  service members past and present.
        Originally founded in 2000 as The Na-  KANSAS
        tional D-Day Museum, The National WWII                                    The Branson/Lakes Area Convention &
        Museum is now the top-rated tourist des-  WICHITA                         Visitors Bureau is experienced at working
        tination in New Orleans and an unfor-  Visit Wichita                      with  group  travel  and  meeting  planners
        gettable way to experience World War II.                                  and has a wealth of information to assist
        This remarkable attraction illuminates the   Moji Rosson                  group travel professionals and volunteer
        American experience during the WWII era,  515 S. Main, Ste 115            planners to familiarize themselves with
        from industrial efforts on the Home Front  Wichita, KS  67202             Branson. Call 417-243-2117 to speak with
        to the combat experience of the Ameri-          a  Convention  & Visitors Bureau  Group
        can service member abroad. Designated   316.265.2800                      Sales professional or email    jpeters@
        by Congress as the official WWII museum                         
        of the United States, The National WWII
        Museum is located in downtown New    Wichita, Kansas, offers big-city amenities  Flash Photo Group Photography
        Orleans on a six-acre campus, where five   at Midwestern prices! Our central loca-  David Cain  3620 76 Country Blvd
        soaring pavilions house historical exhibits,   tion makes access simple, by land or air.   Branson, MO  65616
        on-site restoration work, a period dinner   We have 8,000 hotel rooms from luxury to
        theater, and restaurants.  The National   economy. Our Convention Center boasts
        World War II Museum is rated the #1 at-  over 200,000 square feet of exhibition   417-334-0073
        traction in New Orleans, #2 Museum in   space. INTRUST Bank Arena has the flex-
        the USA and #2 Museum in the World ac-  ibility to host assemblies or tradeshows.
        cording to           We offer many other unique meeting ven-  While your reunion is in Branson, we will
                                             ues. Great attractions and 1,000+ restau-  take group photos of the Veterans, group
                                                                                  photo of Everyone at the event and then a
        SHREVEPORT                           rants make Wichita a true destination. We   group photo of the Ladies and take orders
                                             can assist you with all aspects of planning,
        Shreveport-Bossier Convention        including meeting site coordination, reg-  immediately and deliver all the pictures
                                                                                  in Flag folders back to your Hotel before
        & Tourist Bureau                     istration, site tours, and more. Explore vis-  your group leaves Branson.  Call to setup
        Kevin Flowers               to start planning your next   an appointment time.
                                             successful meeting.
        629 Spring St.
        Shreveport, LA  71101                MISSOURI                             Lodge of the Ozarks                                                        Renee Contreras
        318-429-0625                         BRANSON                              3431 MO-76               Branson Lakes Area Convention        Branson, MO  65616
        Located in northwest Louisiana, Shreve-  & Visitors Bureau      
        port and Bossier City are hidden gems  Julie Peters CTIS                  800-335-2555
        with much to offer military reunions. With  269 State Highway 248
        both full-service and limited service ho-  Branson, MO  65616             Note from The Military Reunion Network:
        tels, the cities have many options for over-

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