Page 34 - MRN 2018 Annual Directory
P. 34
2 0 1 8 AN N U AL D I RE C T O R Y
This beautifully renovated hotel was the 417-335-4668 meetings, sporting events, group tours
host for the 2018 Central Roundtable. The and individual leisure travelers to St. Lou-
staff was friendly and engaging, accom- is. More than 700 local and regional busi-
modations comfortable and spacious, and Let our military family help make planning nesses are partners with Explore St. Louis.
meeting space flexible! Located next to of your next reunion easy! We specialize in
cessful reunions in many other cities such NORTH DAKOTA
Hugh Brothers Theater (among others) Branson, Missouri, but have planned suc-
your reunion can park (complimentary)
and walk to several of the amazing shows as New Orleans, Tulsa, Omaha, Washing- BISMARCK
in the area. What a savings on group ton D.C., and San Diego just to name a Bismarck Mandan CVB
transportation! The reunion planners that few. Let us take the worry out of hotel ne- LaRae Nelson
attended the event all commented how gotiations, hospitality space, group trans-
they felt like they were “home” when they portation, city tours, memorial services, 1600 Burnt Boat Dr
walked in the hotel for the first time. Re- Color Guard, banquet details and individ- Bismarck, ND 58503
nee loves our veteran community and ual payment plans. Well create customized
goes out of her way to make sure the ex- registration forms complimentary, take all 701-222-4308
perience is perfect from start to finish. reservations, and create name tags. Sarah
Green-Hord has worked with hundreds
Ozarks Kirkwood Tour & Travel of military reunion planners to find those Bismarck-Mandan. This is where the city
(Branson) small details that make each reunion extra meets the beautiful outdoors. Where an
special. Sarah has a Vietnam Era, Grapho-
Sarah Green-Hord type machine and can create dog tags to endless sky arches over two cities along
the banks of the Missouri River in central
PO Box 1166 replace lost tags or something new just for North Dakota.
Branson, MO 65616 the reunion. A multi-use arena with over 200,000
ST LOUIS square feet of exhibit hall space and seat-
ing for 10,000 More than 3,500 sleep-
Explore St. ing rooms within 15 minutes of the air-
Louis port. Affordable rates on everything
Holly Rogers from large and small meeting venues to
lodging, meals and transportation Seven
EXPLORE 701 Convention golf courses, beautiful parks and river-
Plaza, Suite 300
side trails. A vibrant, historic downtown
St. Louis, MO
with boutiques, dining and nightlife. We
WHERE Iowa 63101 also offer something you may not find in
larger cities: personalized service. In Bis-
marck-Mandan, you’re not just another
group. Your our top priority. Well work
STARTED. com with you on everything from choosing the
perfect venue for your gathering, to travel
and lodging arrangements and all the de-
explorestlouis. tails that will make your event both suc-
com cessful and memorable. Leave boundaries
behind and contact us today.
The St. Louis Con-
vention & Visitors SOUTH DAKOTA
Commission (DBA
Explore St. Louis) RAPID CITY
is the official des- Best Western Ramkota, Rapid
tination marketing City
organization re-
sponsible for selling Marci Reuter/Julie Larson
St. Louis City and 2111 N. LaCrosse Street
St. Louis County as Rapid City, SD 57701
a convention and
meeting site and as 605-737-5644
a leisure travel des-
tination. Explore St. www.
Louis works to at- hotelsinrapidcitysd.h.bestwestern.
tract citywide con- com
ventions, one-hotel
The Best Western Ramkota Hotel and