Page 37 - MRN 2018 Annual Directory
P. 37
2 0 1 8 AN N U AL D I RE C T O R Y
Montana 37 Idaho
37 Montana
Oregon 37 Oregon
38 Washington
Boise Convention and Visitors Billings Hotel and Convention Eugene, Cascades & Oregon
Bureau Center Coast CVB
Lisa Edens Ron Spence Juanita Metzler
1101 W Front St 1223 Mullowney Lane PO Box 10286
Boise, ID 83702 Billings, MT 59101 Eugene, OR 97440
208 344 7777 406--248-7151 541-743-8758 Visit Billings
Location Boise is located in the Pacif- Stefan Cattarin Welcome Veterans! We want your military
ic Northwest and convenient from many 815 S. 27th St. reunion in Eugene, OR to be unforgetta-
major airline hubs. Once here, the Boise Billings, MT 59101 ble. We offer a number of special activ-
airport is only 10 minutes from downtown ities to military reunions visiting our area.
and even closer to some of the citys other Whether you fly, drive or take the train, you
hotel and entertainment districts. All Boi- 406-245-4111 will find an abundance of accessible nat-
se area hotels offer FREE airport shuttles ural beauty, affordable guest rooms, free
so need to rent a car. Urban amenities parking, complimentary airport shuttles,
without the urban hassles Boise offers Veterans of the United States Military, wel- TAX FREE shopping and hotels experi-
a variety of activities for all ages. Enjoy come to Montana! Treat your Military Re- enced with military reunions. Our met-
pedestrian-friendly downtown shopping, union to an unforgettable journey through ro areas are friendly, safe, walkable and a
golfing, and visiting one of unique mu- the authentic West. Walk where General manageable size. We have NO SALES TAX
seums (such as the only Basque Museum Custer made his last stand and explore the and a year-round temperate climate. En-
in the U.S., the Old Territorial Penitentiary Yellowstone River where William Clarks joy easy access to the Oregon Coast, the
and the Warhawk Air Museum or walk/bike 1806 signature rests at Pompeys Pillar; two Cascade Mountains and the business/arts
the 26 mile greenbelt path along the Boise National Monuments less than 40 miles resources typical of much larger-sized
River. Thunder Mountain Dinner Train is from Billings. Explore further and experi- cities. Stand-out farm-to-fork dining, re-
also a favorite activity for reunion groups. ence Yellowstone National Park by way of nowned South Willamette Valley wineries,
Boises lifestyle and climate (235 days of the nation’s top scenic drive, the Beartooth craft beer, geo tours and local military
sunshine) attract restaurateurs, entrepre- Highway! Attendees and spouses can en- museums, memorials and attractions help
neurs and artists from around the world. joy the Veteran friendly community of Bill- make us a compelling destination for mil-
You will find an abundance of outdoor ings and its vibrant downtown district with itary reunions. It is possible to please ev-
eateries and pubs. For visitors, this means boutique shopping, award winning cui- eryone. And We Honor Veterans!
all the comforts and quality of a large city, sine and Montanas only Walkable Brewery
but without the transportation, security is- District featuring local micro-breweries,
sues and other hassles. Let me help you distilleries and a cider mill. With direct air
make your next reunion the best yet! service from nine destinations and more
than 5,000 hotel rooms (ADA compliant)
to choose from, let Visit Billings help you
plan the perfect reunion!