Page 42 - MRN 2018 Annual Directory
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2 0 1 8  AN N U AL  D I RE C T O R Y


        C O N TI N U E D

        OCEANSIDE                            a private outdoor garden. We are proud  619-398-8257
                                             hosts to  many military reunions each
        Oceanside Conference & Visitors      year and pride ourselves in providing ex-
        Bureau                               ceptional service and assisting our guests   The USS Midway Museum, located in the
        Dana Higgins                         host seamless events. We believe in hon-  heart of San Diego Bay in downtown San
                                                                                  Diego, is an ideal venue for military reunion
        928 N. Coast Highway, Suite A        oring our military veterans and cater to   groups.      It is located only five minutes
                                             your needs by offering a Hospitality Room
        Oceanside, CA  92054                 where you can reminisce about old times,   away from the airport.  Reunion planners              create new memories and enjoy your re-  have a wide variety of hotels to choose
        760-637-9953                         union. You are welcome to provide your   from, all within 10-15 minutes of the USS    own food and beverage for your hospi-  Midway Museum.  Midway embodies Navy
                                             tality room.  Previous planners have loved   Town, USA,  the original home of TOPGUN
        Celebrate your service, reminisce with   our  specialized hospitality room that in-  and home to several U.S. Navy worldwide
        fellow service members, and reflect on   cludes a large refrigerator, complimentary   commands.  The longest-serving aircraft
        shared memories, with your gathering   ice and a beautiful view of the pool area.   carrier of the 20th century offers many
        in Oceanside; a destination that under-  We offer complimentary shuttle service   options for reunion planners.  Those op-
        stands, embodies, and honors military life.    to major attractions in our local area. We   tions include (1) self-guided audio tours
        Marine Corps Base Camp Pendleton is a   look forward to hosting your next reunion!   narrated by former Midway sailors, (2) the
        vibrant part of our Oceanside community                                   Battle of  Midway theatre, (3) docent-led
        as it has encompassed much of its south-  Holiday Inn San Diego Bayside    tours, and (4) memorial and wreath re-
        ern border since 1942. Our affiliation with   Jodie Langhammer, CMP, CGMP    membrance ceremonies.  The USS  Mid-
        Camp Pendleton will offer attendees con-                                  way  Museums  authenticity has made it
        venience and ease when accessing the   4875 North Harbor Drive            San Diegos most-popular attraction and
        largest military training base in the West-  San Diego, CA  92106         the sixth most-popular museum of any
        ern United States.  Your Southern Cali-          time in the United States, according to Tri-
        fornia Military Reunion in Oceanside may   800-650-6660                   pAdvisor.  The museum is open every day
        include: Regional military attractions: USS       (except Thanksgiving and Christmas), from
        Midway Aircraft Carrier and Museum, Mt.                                   10 a.m. to 5 p.m. (last admission at 4 p.m.)
        Soledad  Veteran Memorial, and Flying   Maximum Room block (on peak): 100        More info at
        Leatherneck Aviation Museum.         Maximum Banquet (rounds of 8): 280
        Camp Pendleton escorted tours: Mech-  Specializing in reunions, fronting San Di-
        anized Museum, Ranch House Complex,   ego Bay, 3 minutes from the Airport, and  COLORADO SPRINGS
        Camp Talega Quonset Huts, and the    Liberty Station, the  Holiday Inn San Diego   Colorado Springs Convention &
        World War II and Korea LVT Exhibit.  Bayside offers free WiFi,  HDTVs, refrigera-
                                             tors, coffee, and newspapers. Hotel park-  Visitors Bureau
        Cape-cod harbor village with shopping,   ing is waived for our reunions, and airport  Pam Sherfesee
        restaurants, and boat rentals!       transfers are free. A free Hospitality Room  515 S. Cascade Avenue
                                             will be provided (with a minimum pick up   Colorado Springs, CO  80903
        Sportfishing or pier fishing, whale watch-  of sleeping rooms), where you may bring
        ing, outlet shopping, and golf outings.  in your own refreshments! We will refresh
        Request our digital planning guide today!   the room, and replenish ice as needed. A   719-685-7634
                                             free shuttle can be arranged in advance to
                                             downtown shopping.  Daily Happy Hours   Colorado Springs consistently ranks as
        SAN DIEGO                            and Senior discounts for 55+; Compli-  one of the top military reunion destina-
        Handlery Hotel San Diego             mentary  business center, 9  hole putting   tions, and for good reason. The Pikes Peak
                                             course,  and  fitness  room  on  site.  Set
        Cindy Nelsen                         amongst over a dozen restaurants, sport   region is home to the United States Air
        950 Hotel Circle North               fishing marinas, and scenic walking paths   Force Academy   one of the areas major
                                                                                  attractions    as  well as Fort  Carson  Army
        San Diego, CA  92108                 along the San Diego Bay, and having com-  Post, Schriever AFB, Peterson AFB  and                 pleted a $14M expansion/renovation, the   more. The city has a rich military tradi-
        619-398-8333                         Holiday Inn San Diego Bayside is the per-  tion, and residents have long respected
                                             fect spot for your next reunion!                                                          and appreciated those in uniform.   The
                                                                                  Colorado Springs CVB staff can provide
        WE LOVE MILITARY REUNIONS! The  USS Midway Museum                         military reunion planning assistance with
        Handlery  Hotel  is  a  4th generation  fam-  Pat Pfohl                   suggestions for unique event sites, local
        ily owned property that sits adjacent to   910 N Harbor Drive             and regional tour itineraries, promotional
        the Riverwalk Golf Course. We haves 217   San Diego, CA  92101            materials and leads for competitive rates
        guest rooms and over 40,000 square feet               on over 14,000 hotel rooms.
        of  indoor/outdoor event  space including

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