Page 45 - MRN 2018 Annual Directory
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2 0 1 8 AN N U AL D I RE C T O R Y
RENO Sands Regency Casino Hotel NEW MEXICO
El Dorado Resorts Lisa Miolini ALBUQUERQUE
Cate Kegg 345 North Arlington Avenue Visit Albuquerque
Reno, NV 89501
407 N. Virginia Street Misty Jester
Reno, NV 89501 775-544-3958 20 First Plaza NW Suite 601 Albuquerque, NM 87102
(775) 325-7377 WE LOVE OUR MILITARY REUNIONS and 505-222-4327
have been welcoming them for many
One Reno Attitude, Three Ways to Experi- years. The Sands Casino in downtown
ence it! Eldorado Resorts Reno is the only Reno Nevada has developed a strong rep- My name is Misty Jester and I have had the
choice for groups looking for excellent en- utation of our commitment to our guests. honor of working with the reunion mar-
tertainment options, exciting attractions, The Sands boasts 833 guest rooms, five ket here in Albuquerque, New Mexico for
as well as indoor and outdoor activities, all restaurants, 14,000 square feet of meet- the past 23 years. I am very well versed
in the heart of downtown Reno! Just 3.5 ing space, complimentary health club and on supporting your reunion and I am here
miles from Reno-Tahoe International Air- exercise facility, large outdoor swimming to be your reunion expert in Albuquerque.
port, Eldorado Resort Casino, Silver Leg- complex, complimentary airport shuttle No matter the size of your reunion, big
acy Resort Casino, and Circus Circus Re- (for individuals), free parking, high speed or small, the true Southwest awaits you.
sort Casino are connected by a seamless internet access in all rooms, lounges and Bring your past comrades to our beautiful
walkway, featuring 23 restaurants, 19 bars of course, a full casino. Access into our city and you will be immersed in our rich
and lounges, and over 10 different retail area is strong with over 23 flights each day culture, blue skies, and heritage, rooted in
outlets, not to mention the hottest gaming on non-stop service and 19 one stop arriv- centuries of history. Enjoy 310 days of blue
action in town! We also offer world class als. We host nine airlines. The Sands Ca- skies, sunshine and hot air ballooning. Vis-
entertainment with a Broadway Theater sino is located only 5 minutes from down- it museums that take you back hundreds
style showroom, Laugh Factory Comedy town Reno and 40 minutes from some of of years while shopping for authentic
Club, and live music nightly in many of our the finest ski resorts and outdoor recre- Native American jewelry. Albuquerque is
lounges. Eldorado Resorts Reno truly has ation in the world. Reunion planners are the perfect city to make memories with
something for everyone! looking for great value. The Sands prides old friends. Contact me and I will help
itself on our commitment to this philoso- you plan your next memorable reunion in
Peppermill Resort, Spa, and phy. We strive to make your reunion small Albuquerque. ■
Casino in expense and rich in wonderful memo-
Carly Kolesar ries.
2707 S.Virginia St.
Reno, NV 89502