Page 41 - MRN 2018 Annual Directory
P. 41

2 0 1 8  AN N U AL  D I RE C T O R Y


                                                                      SOUTHWEST REGION
                                                                      PA G E   C I T Y
                                                                      41     Arizona
                                                    Colorado          41     California
                                                                      42     Colorado
                                                                      44     Nevada
                                                                      45     New Mexico

                                                 New Mexico

        ARIZONA                                     LOS ANGELES AREA
        TUCSON                               800-293-0071                         Karmel Shuttle
        Visit Tucson                                                              Traci Trujillo
        RoxAnne Erickson                     CALIFORNIA                           Los Angeles Area
        100 S Church Ave                     BURLINGAME/SAN MATEO                 Los Angeles, CA  90044
        Tucson, AZ  85701                    San Mateo County/ Silicon              Valley CVB                           714-670-3480
        520-770-2120                         Karla Najera                                                                      Karmel Shuttle is a premier transportation
                                             111 Anza Blvd, #410
        It’s  no  accident  that  the  Tucson  region   Burlingame, CA  94010     provider servicing LAX, SNA and LGB Air-
        is home to more than a million residents               port to/from the Orange County and LA
        and  host  to  more  than  7  million  visitors                           County area hotels.    Offering 9 passen-
        a year. There’s something magical about   650-348-7600                    ger vans, sedans, limousines, 24 passen-
        this place where the Santa Cruz and Ril-     ger mini coaches and 47 to 55 passenger
        lito Rivers converge, where five moun-  San Mateo County/Silicon Valley is San   full size coaches.  Whether its an individual
        tain ranges form a protected valley, and   Francisco’s closest neighbor, offering   traveler or a large group, we can accom-
        where majestic saguaros stand guard   quick access to the city, endless activities   modate them all.   For private groups and
        on the desert floor while aspen and pine   and incredible scenic beauty. It is known   charters, please contact us for a quote at
        whisper high above them on the moun-  for its San Francisco Bay and Pacific coast-   One of the greatest
        tain peaks. Located in Southern Arizona,   lines, its sunny, mild climate and the fresh   benefits of using Karmel Shuttle Service
        Tucson was founded on August 20, 1776   local cuisine. Getting around is easy since   is our mix of vehicles combined with our
        an event celebrated annually at Tucson’s   most hotels feature complimentary SFO   online  “Airport  Shuttle”  reservation  sys-
        birthday party, La Fiesta de San Agustìn.   airport shuttles. We represent over 170   tem. Our flight tracking system monitors
        But people had long before felt something   properties; we offer convention site se-  all flights for on time pick-ups and our
        special here and made it their home. In   lection, official area visitor guides, site   system will send text alerts to customers
        fact, the area we call Tucson is one of the   inspection arrangements, local suppli-  with our READY to GO and Rate My RIDE
        oldest continually inhabited areas in North   er contact information, suggestions on   apps. We do not loop the airports trying
        America. The second-largest city in Ari-  things to do and see in the area, and pho-  to fill our vans and we do no more than
        zona and the county seat of Pima County,   tographs. Unique attractions located near   3 stops, making the transportation expe-
        boasting an average 350 sunny days a year   San Mateo County include the Computer   rience enjoyable. Karmel Shuttle is your
        and warm dry air.                    History Museum, Hiller Aviation Museum,   one stop shop for all your transportation
                                                                                  needs. Make quick and easy reservations
                                             Golden  Gate  National  Cemetery  &  USS   with Karmel Shuttle  by clicking  the dis-
        YUMA                                 Hornet. With just one call, we will work   count link below or call the reservations
                                             with your group to find the perfect ac-  department toll free at  1-888-995-7433
        Yuma Visitors Bureau                 commodations for your needs!         When calling to place reservations, men-
        Leslie McClendon                                                          tion promo code  RFN17 at the time of res-
        202 S 1st Ave Suire                                                       ervations.
        202  Yuma, AZ  85364

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