P. 20

Lesson 4:  DESIGN PROCESS (1.2.1A)

               Engineering is about creating new things that help people in some way. But what kinds of things
               do you think engineers create? When some people think of engineers, they think of complicated
               spaceship designs or making tiny cell phones that are cameras, connect to the internet, and play
               music. But engineering can be more simple technologies, too! In fact, you have probably acted
               like an engineer without even knowing it.

               Now that you have designed a sneaker, let’s investigate deeper the Design Process and
               Design Thinking.  Product Design involves a broad approach to the designing and making of
               innovative / new products. Studying Product Design should work closely with other sections of
               the site including the Resistant Materials, Design Process, Equipment and Processes and
               Electronics sections. The Graphics section may also be of interest.

               Designers and manufacturers try to find out what the public want from old products - how they
               can be improved. Designers also want to know what the public wants from new designs. This is
               often carried out through questionnaires and surveys. They are designing for their customers.

               Engineers’ initial ideas rarely solve a problem. Instead, they try different ideas, learn from their

               mistakes, and then try again. The steps engineers use to arrive at a solution are called the design

               process. As students work through a challenge, use the questions below to tie their work to

               specific steps of the design process.

                       •  Describe the design process and how it is used to aid in problem solving.
                       •  Students will learn about the engineering design process.
                       •  They will practice the steps of the engineering design process in a design challenge.
                       •  Students will use critical thinking skills in order to recognize the steps in the context
                          of a sample design problem.
                       •  Apply the engineering design process to solve a design challenge.

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