P. 44

complete understanding an object, such as a simple cube. In other cases, orthographic
                       drawings of additional viewpoints are needed in order to accurately communicate all of an
                       object’s details. Going back to the example of a cube, if each side of the cube has different
                       details, engineers would use orthographic drawings in order to fully and accurately describe
                       each cube side.)
                    4.  What are pictorial drawings and how are they used by engineers?
                    5.  Why is it important to follow the “rules” of sketching and dimensioning?

                    •  Orthographic projection

                    •  Pictorial drawings

                                     Video:  3D Mapping

                       Orthographic View

                                     Right Side Orthographic View

               Notice that there are lines where there are any depth changes in the structure; this changes the right-side view
               of a three-dimensional object into a two-dimensional picture. These next two images show the front view and
               the top view of the same object:

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