P. 48
Unit 4: Modeling and
In this unit, students will be using computer aided design (CAD) software to create part drawings
and three-dimensional models of everyday objects. Students will learn how CAD works, the
basic tools to properly use the software, and begin to create their own three-dimensional models
from beginning to end.
Formative Assessments Summative Assessments
•3–2–1 Countdown •Rubric
•Collect critical information •Written worksheets/handouts
about learning progress by •Performance Task
providing feedback •Oral Presentations
•Check List •Application of knowledge
•Devil’s advocate through on-going construction
•Exit/Admit Slips of projects
•Four Corners •Quizzes and exams
•Game-based learning •Practical Demonstration
•Hands on Demonstrations •Storyboards
•In-class discussions •Mind map
•Jigsaw II •Individual Work
•Low-stakes group work •Small Group Work
•Observations -Visual •Large Group Work
inspection of project build, •Engineering Notebook
(creativity, level, activity •Final Projects
participation, problem solving •PBL Check List
strategies, etc.)
•One-Minute Paper
•Poll Everywhere
•Personal Vignette
•Strategic Questioning
•Talk & Walk
•Three-minute review
•Three-Step Interview
•Thumbs Up/Down