P. 54
Lesson 2: TinkerCAD Basics
Ready to get into the heart of this class? We are going to learn TinkerCAD. Tinkercad is a
simple, online 3D design and 3D printing app for everyone. Tinkercad is used by designers,
hobbyists, teachers, and kids, to make toys, prototypes, home decor, Minecraft models,
jewelry – the list is truly endless!
The ability to create a rapid, accurate sketch is an important skill to communicate ideas.
Orthographic drawings of an object are used to provide information that a perspective
drawing may not be able to show.
Engineers apply dimensions to drawings to communicate size information.
TinkerCad Intro
• Learn how to use TinkerCad to begin the design process
• Be able to navigate efficiently in TinkerCAD.
• Use Tinkercad to better understand how to develop a 3D model
• Explore Thingiverse to select a model for printing.
• Will import stl files into Cura to convert to Gcode in preparation for 3D printing.
• Be introduced to using the Makerbot printer
• Move, scale and rotate objects using handles
• Scale objects using the ruler
• Pan the camera in, out and around the model
• Group objects to make holes
• Plan how to create simple objects
• Modify existing objects to their own specifications
• Understand the design constraints involved in using a 3-D printer
• Import a two-dimensional file to make a custom design