P. 55

1.  Why are the tools of navigation so important in a 3D modeling environment?
                   2.  How can we be sure that an object is where we want it to be?
                   3.  How can a 3D Printer be used to create an entire project or a part to fit in an existing
                   4.  How do I select which 3D design software application is best to design my project?

               Glossary of Terms for TinkerCAD

                Students will see and use the basic tools, Autodesk inventor setup (browser, toolbars, view cube,
               workspace, etc.), and create a new part file with 2D/3D drawings.
                    •  Teach TINKERCAD
                    •  TINKERCAD
                    •  Thingverse

                       Formative:  Observe while they use TinkerCad

                       Summative:  Creation of 3D object

               Exit Ticket

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