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519 THE SWARM OF STARS20 THE CHOSEN ONE21 THE JAGUARAs the world population%u2019s demand for materials increases along with connectivity, and technology, Chiribiquete%u2019s boundaries are dissolving, placing this unique landscape placing this unique landscape under threat.This film will use LiDAR for the first time, to scan the tepui for new signs of ancient humans. This data will be used to provide the canvas for the first 3D model of Chiribiquete%u2019s landscapeThe walls of Chiribiquete%u2019s tepuis are painted with thousands of ancient images, in red ochre. Most of them remain a mystery. The Carijona believe that they are The Guardians of Chiribiquete. Sacred reminders of their bond between the world and the realm of the deities are recognised in the majestic, jagged peaks of Chiribiquete.The young boy begins preparations for his rite of passage. This initiation ritual is an event of great significance, marked by a ceremony as old as the forest itself. Chiribiquete%u2019s ancient, and iconic table-topped mountains are known by many names. They cut a long swathe of dramatic rocks as if arising magically from the jungle below. A natural history sequence about the jaguars living in this part of the Amazon. Extensive plant biodiversity fuels a rich cultural tradition of ethnobotany; made all the more famous by Richard Schultes, Born to fulfil an ancient destiny, a young boy is ready to transition from the Chief Shaman%u2019s assistant to The Jaguar%u2019s Apprentice%u201d.Celestial phenomenon unique to Chiribiquete%u2019s precise location, have drawn people to this site for thousands of years.29 LiDAR32 MEDICINAL PLANTS37 PARADISE LOST38 THE GUARDIANS22 THE MALOCA OF THE JAGUAR21 The JaguarCONTENTS25 SISTINE CHAPEL OF THE AMAZON20 The Chosen One47 METAMORPHOSISCa%u00f1o Cristales in Serrania la Macarena Serrania la Lindosa, part of Chiribiquete National Park, is connected to Serrania la Macarena.