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                                    9Anthropology THE FILM%u2019S IMPACT: Sustainability%u2022 An indigenous cultural storyline forms the back- bone of this film. The central narrative is the spiritual, physical and %u2018coming of age%u2019 journey of an ado- lescent Carijona boy who is chosen to become his community%u2019s next shamanic apprentice. Through his education we learn about his people%u2019s respectful and sustainable way of life. We learn about nature and spirituality. And we learn about loyalty and communi- ty responsibility.%u2022 We will cast Carijona locally, and the people%u2019s cus- toms and way of life will be taught to our main char- acter via the storyline using illustrative drama-docu- mentary filming techniques and reconstruction - all of which will be strictly factually correct.The indigenous peoples of the Amazon are the guardians of ancestral knowledge. Communities are divided into clans that are divided into different villages built around the Maloca. This is the community hut that is the epicentre of social, economic and ceremonial organization.Each village runs small horticultural holdings as well as hunting and fishing a range of animals for food. Traditional weapons such as blowguns, spears or arrows (maybe dipped in poison from plants or amphibian secretions) are sometimes used. The different indigenous peoples of the Amazon are distinguished by their linguistic family but also by their spirituality. Each community has its own Cosmogony (myths and legends of the origin of the world) and its own Cosmovision (spiritual reading of the organization of things).
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