Page 206 - Carrollton 2002
P. 206
S e n i o r f U f r t A l
I From February 21 to the 22,2002, seniors experienced their
| last Carrollton retreat at Our Lady of Florida Spiritual Center in
I North Palm Beach. Throughout the retreat, the seniors focused on
I moments of transition in their lives in order to prepare for their
I college or university experience this fall. There were times of fun
and excitement such as when seniors played a game on what
I subject they agreed upon such as family, self-identity and relation
ships. The seniors also devised a skit on what they perceived
I college life to be. There was also time for reflection. Lillian Solis,’92, I
Diana de laTorriente,’94, and Michael Hacker, teacher, gave
I testimonies which inspired the students on how to deal with tough
j situations that may occur in the future. At an evening prayer
service, the students expressed their love and gratitude for each
] other and their love for the school which has given them years of
support and guidance. One day these experiences will become
cherished memories.
ioJ 205