Page 7 - Carrollton 2002
P. 7


               As you stroll through Carrollton, the number of teachers and students using technology and laptops is
        striking.  The days of college three-ring binders filled with college ruled paper have been replaced by the day of the
        download. The school crackles with the energy of a wireless local area network which binds the Carrollton commu
        nity together in an electronic family tree. We have become a laptop school, which enhances education by making it
        more interactive and thus more interesting for the students. Instead of lecturing on a topic for forty-five minutes,
        teachers may present lessons utilizing a 3-D visual web quest on the Internet.  Students create PowerPoint present,
        tions as their projects, which make them more exciting for classmates. Other student assignments are turned in via t
        mail and graded on the screen. The day of the paperless classroom has arrived.  Furthermore, the virtual classroom
        has expanded the opportunities for learning.  Teachers have set up on-line discussion groups where students discus:
        the day’s lessons and exchange ideas. Even the faculty has set up discussion groups to help each other stay abreast
        of the latest teaching techniques. We even produced the 2002 yearbook on the computer.  For these reasons, we
        chose the theme “Downloading Days” because not only does it capture each day at Carrollton, but it also shows th
        technological advances that Carrollton has brought to the students.
               As you read “Download Days”, we hope you will catch a glimpse of what makes Carrollton a special
        community.  You will see a teacher discussing the different faiths in a world religion class, third graders designing
        books for first graders which the first graders will read throughout the years, leaving a foot print on their hearts. Yoi
        will see the Intermediate students tutoring young children at the Barnyard, who need help in certain areas or who
       just need a friend to sit with them on the playground.  Everyday at Carrollton we are blessed to be surrounded by a
        loving community.  We are all here together and it feels like family, whether we are singing together at Mass or
        mourning the loss of a fellow classmate.  Martin Luther King once said, “ Darkness cannot drive out darkness; only
        light can do that. Hate cannot drive out hate; only love can do that.” We hope that as you download days at
        Carrollton School of the Sacred Heart, you will see love reflected in these pages.
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