Page 8 - Carrollton 2002
P. 8

■ g e p t e m B e i L   ± ± f              2 i 0 © ±

          September 11 was a day that shook the nation. Our country, changed forever, was attacked by terrorists which led to th<
  loss of many innocent American lives.  Many watched as two planes collided into the twin towers of the New York World Trade
  Center; a third crashed into the Pentagon and another plummeted to the ground in Pennsylvania.
          Although our yearbook celebrates the marvels of technological advances, this dreadful day proved that technology,
  when placed in the wrong hands, can also bring about great evil.
          As the world watched, so too did the Carrollton community.tWe were shocked by the news, which seemed unthinkable
  and surreal.  When the news broke, Sister Cooke addressed the studetit body in a manner suited to each age group.  She reassur
  the community and gave accurate updates.  She reminded us that fear and panic were not the solution, but rather faith and praye;
  would help guide us. The Carrollton family jpined together in prayer for the victims and their families, the firemen, the policemen,
  the victims on the airplanes, and the persolhel who were in the Pentagon at the time. A fifth grader at Carrollton said, “Let us alsi
  pray for the people who did this.” The student reminded us that with prayer and faith there can be forgiveness and love which is
  stronger than hate.  The Carrollton community reached out to those affected by this tragedy.  Money was raised and sent to the
  Red Cross.  Letters of support were Sent to thel&^;St^dppsji|i|Sfew Yprk and blood was donated, '||||
          Carrollton is a community of prayer, acceptance, respect and forgiveness. We remember September 11, and we willwevei
  forget what happened to otif nation cpr where we Were when we first heard the news. However! a faith-filled community, we helievi
  amhtrustthat love will dwa^ponqiier hate. As our schocfi motto;, “Caritas Vineit Omnia,” (Love Conquers All), reminds us, we ai
  all called in a special way-to jjsring love, hope ahd faith to our wOrld.   -i
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