Page 140 - Carrollton 2012
P. 140
i his page clockwise forri top : A day or schooiwice reading is field in celebration o f Carrollton's
50 th Anniversary; the Seventh Grade class visits Temple Israel o f Greater Miami to hear a lecture
by the E ragon series writer, Chr'stophe' Paoiini; ounior High students compete in the Epiphany
Spanish Spelling Bee. lb the Eighth Grade, Nicole Mayo places second and Gabrie a Delgado
places frst. In the Seventh Grade, Sophia Giordano places first and Ancreina Rodriguez places
Second. Olivia Jim enez' 16 wins the Carroliton Junior High Spelling Bee championship; Nine
Junior High students participated in the 7th Annual Florida State Chinese Competition and
received awards. They are; Sabrina lamames ' 16, Victoria . opez Trujillo ' 16, Lourdes Magolnick
' 16, Jasmine Harris.Smjth * 16, Nayara Dondo ' 16, Cristina D w yer' 17, Isabella DelPino 17 Kaela
Makir.s' 17, and Erniliana Soto '1/. Each year Carrollton students compete in the Belen Jesuit
Middle School Spanish Oral Invitational through expressive readings, recitations o f poems and
dramatic skits. 1 his year, Carrollton placed, first as a school. The students who won trophies are:
Cristina Hirmas' li| Irene Labarta '17. Lucia Hornbacher '17 Lauren Abraham ' 17, Danielle Bruce ’ 17,
Carolina Prado' 17, Elisa Baena ‘ 17, Sarah L o b o ' 17, Tarina Touret' 17, Allegra Gonzalez-Abreu ' 16,
Elizabeth C orooves '16 and Samantha Borden 16.