Page 141 - Carrollton 2012
P. 141
N ational Junior H onor Society
Honor Society Pledge
I pledge myself to uphold
the high purposes of the
National Junior Honor Society
to which I have been selected;
I will be true to the principles
for which it stands;
I will be loyal to my school;
and will maintain and encourage
high standards of
Scholarship, Service,
Character and Citizenship.
Honor and G lory to G od Alone
New inductees; Lauren Abraham, Elisa Acquaviva, Lizbeth Chelsea Arencibia, Elisa Baena, Danielle Bruce, Cachay Byrd, Olivia Cosio, Julia del Caralt, Isabella
Del Pino, Sophia De Rosa, Genesis Diaz Anselmi, Caitlin Dowell-Esquivel, Katharine Duerr, Cristina Dwyer, Daniela Fernandez-Bergnes, Sophia Giordan®,
Carolina Gomez, Allegra Gonzalez-Abreu, Charlotte Griffin, Lucia Hornbacher, Irene Labarta, Francesca Lopez, Rebecca Luaces, Lindy Lyons, Sabrina Perez,,
Victoria Pinter, Carolina Prado, Sofia Rodriguez, Paulina Suarez, Tarina Touret, Alexa Ucar, Nicole Urquidi, Maria Jose Valladares, .CamikVerdes, DreW’l l i t '