Page 296 - Carrollton 2003
P. 296
Thai Motorists Death Not
Get Massages An Option
Thailand^ Health Ministry announced Mayor Gil Bernardi, of the French
plans to provide free massage services Mediterranean town, Le Lavandou,
at more than 20 gas stations on major banned local residents from dying
intercity highways and around the after a court order rebuffed his plans
capital dty of Bangkok. The initiative to develop a new seaside cemetery.
was meant to relieve motorists'stress Bernardi found the edict to be
and decrease the number of highway "remarkably well followed," as he
deaths. awaited a decision on his appeal.
Photo by Alex Wong/Getty Images
I Trans-Atlantic Nation
I Jet Setter Loses Time
I Spanish Count Alvaro de Marichalar It is a common complaint that there
I set a world record by completing is not enough time in a day; however,
I a 5,200-mile, four-month journey for the people of Venezuela time
I across the Atlantic on a jet ski. is actually slipping away. Clocks in
I Marichalar trained for a year before that country are ticking too slowly
I setting out from Rome ibr Miami on because a nationwide power shortage
I a nine-foot watercraft with a support is weakening the electric current Each
I ship and crew of six bringing up the day, electric docks lose 150 seconds.
Former President Jimmy Carter was The Miss World competition was
awarded the 2002 Nobel Peace moved from Nigeria's capital,
Prize for his efforts to further human Abuja, to London after violent
rights and democracy, find peaceful protests broke out in Nigeria. The
solutions to world conflicts and protests began after a Nigerian
encourage economic and social newspaper printed an article that
growth. After serving as president questioned why Mohammed would
from 1977 to 1981, Carter founded not have approved of the Miss World
the Carter Center, a not-for-profit competition and said he probably
organization dedicated to improving would have married one of the
the human condition. w contestants. b
Nearly 200 people died after a bomb
was detonated in a popular tourist
area in Bali. Terrorist network al
Qaeda claimed responsibility on its
website for the bombing. The act of
terrorism severely hurt the Indonesian
island's economy as tourists traveled to
alternate destinations. ^
Two Guatemalan twins who had been Jury trials returned to most Russian Nearly 1,000 people died when a
joined together at the tops of their courtrooms for the first time in 85 Senegalese ferry traveling off the
heads relumed home five months years as a result of legislation passed coast of Gambia capsized and sank.
after doctors separated them in through parliament by supporters Investigators said overloading was
a 22-hour operation. Healing the of President Vladimir Putin. The law the key cause of the disaster, which
Children, a nonprofit organization, amends the criminal code with 3,500 occurred when passengers moved
arranged for the girls and their changes that emulate the Western to one side of the ship to take cover
parents to come to Los Angeles for model of a fair trial. during a storm.
the surgery, and the doctors donated
their services. ▼
In a historic speech before the Italian ' 4 Violence raged in the Ivory Coast after
parliament, Pope John Riul II strongly rebels failed in their coup attempt and
urged Italians to have more children f~ ■ \ ■ took control of the northern part of
lo turn the tide against the nation's the country. After the northern rebels
declining rate of birth. He a bo called signed a truce with the government,
on government officials lo show new rebels attempted to take control
prisoners leniency, when appropriate, \ 1 - iy of the west. Hundreds of people died
by reducing their sentences. f , ' during the year, and more than 600,000
fled their homes.