Page 297 - Carrollton 2003
P. 297
Tensions were high after North Korea
began to use one of the nuclear How do you thini
reactors it had agreed to shut down in going to war witr
1994. North Korea claimed it had to Iraq would affect
restart its nuclear program to provide
power because the United States your daily life?
had stopped sending the country
1. Some things, 66.31
shipments of fuel oil. the U.S. said it
but not many
only stopped shipping oil after North
Korea started to work on its nuclear 2. Every part 21.71
weapons program, d 3. It wouldn't 12%
B 90 5 Q Alt
Concerned that Iraq could would take and thousand
assemble nuclear weapons, the people protested the wa
United Nations required Iraq to more than 220 cities arc
disclose and disarm its weapons the country on a weeken
of mass destruction. While the January.
United Nations conducted weapon Meanwhile, the U.S.
inspections in Iraq, the United almost as many aircraft car
States prepared to go to war. and troops into the Persian
Questions remained about how as were there during the i
hunger and exhaustion. long the weapon inspections Persian Gulf War.