Page 299 - Carrollton 2003
P. 299
Seven astronauts perished when the What We Had In Mind
Space Shuttle Columbia broke apart Jersey City, N.J., officials held an
over central Texas as it reentered the anniversary tribute to Sept 11 victims,
atmosphere. The tragedy occurred less where they planned to release a flock
than 20 minutes before the planned of doves at a downtown ceremony.
landing at the Kennedy Space Center. Since all dove suppliers were sold out,
An investigation into the cause of the they decided to use pigeons instead.
accident initially centered on possible The solemn ceremony was interrupted
damage to the craft's protective tiles when the birds, having been caged most
from flying debris during takeoff. ▼ of their lives, flew around erratically
and careened into the crowd.
Photo by Mario Tama/Getty Images
There's A
Highly publicized stories of missing Monkey In My Pants!
children prompted talk of a nationwide
Amber Alert system. The system, California environmentalist Robe
already in place in several states, is used Cusack was arrested on smugglir
to broadcast descriptions of missing charges when customs officia
children and their abductors over radio, found a pair of pygmy monkeys in h
TV and electronic highway signs. Some pants. Further inspection reveale
parents considered buying devices like that Cusack, who was returnir
the global positioning watch for their from a trip to Thailand, also hadToi
children as a precaution. y exotic birds and 50 rare orchids j
his suitcase.
Wildfires wreaked havoc on I
western United States, destroy!
'double the number of acres than
the previous worst year. One of I
largest of these fires was in Colorac
where a U.S. Forest Services wort
admitted to starting an enorma
blaze while burning a letter from li
estranged husband.