Page 302 - Carrollton 2003
P. 302

Each member of'NSync tried a project
                                                     f    on his own. justin Timberlake released
                                                     V   a solo album, Joey Fatone performed in
                                                     y    a Broadway musical, Chris Kirkpatrick
                                                        designed clothes, Lance Bass trained for
                                                        a Russian space mission, and JC Chasez
                                                        began recording his own album.  M ►

                                                                                 Photo by Robert Mora/Gdly Images
     R&B vocalist Ashanti took home eight
     trophies from the Billboard Music
     Awards, winning each category for                    favorite album this
     which she was nominated. She was                        school year?
     also named the best new pop/rock
     and  hip-hop/R&B  artist  at  the                   1. The Eminem Show
     American Music Awards and Choice
     Breakout Artist at the Teen Choice                  2. Nellyville
     Awards. Ashanti also received  five
     Grammy Award nominations.  ▼ ►                      3.8 Mile

                              It Kind Of
                              Sounds The Same
                              The British musical group The Planets
                              introduced  a  60-second  piece  of
                              silence on its latest album, creating
                              controversy with representatives of
                              the late composer fohn Cage, who was
                              credhed with writing 423(273 seconds
                              of silence). Lawyers threatened to sue
                              for violation of copyright, but foiled
                              when they could not specify which 60
                              of the 273 seconds had been copied.

                              Elvis' Hair               Christmas                  George & John
                              Has Left The Building     Carol Court                Philip To The Rescue
                              An  anonymous  bidder  paid  more   Fifty-five traffic violators in Columbia,   Legendary composers Gershwin and
                              than $115,000 for a large, vacuum-   Term., avoided paying fines by belting   Sousa were enlisted to help the Boston
                              packed lock of Elvis Presleyls hair in an   out their favorite Ytiletide carol. Those   transit police drive away delinquent
                              online auction hosted by lllinois-based   lucky enough to draw the last court   teens loitering in one of the city's high-
                              MastroNet Incorporated. The King of   date before Christmas were given the   traffic  subway  stations.  Authorities
                              Rodc% former barber, Homer Gilleland,   choice of singing a carol and donating   began piping in a mix of show tunes
                              had collected the hair. He gave it to   five canned goods to a local food bank   and  marches  to  the dismay of area
                              friend Tom Morgan, who then put it on   in exchange for having their tickets  youth, who have since found Other
                              the auction block.                                   places to hang out
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