Page 305 - Carrollton 2003
P. 305

Who was this
                    year's best actress?
                                                                                     ouston   |   Minneapolis
                       1. Jennifer Lopez
                       2. Julia Roberts
                       3. Halle  Berry

                 The  national  news  media  began
                 calling Reese Witherspoon America's
                 Sweetheart  after  the  film  Sweet
                 Home Alabama broke the record for
                 the biggest-opening for a romantic
                 comedy. The record was previously
                 held by Runaway Bride, which starred
                 lulia Roberts.       ▼

                                                                     Time  magazine  named  Cynthia   phony  bookkeeping  prac
                                                                     Cooper,  Coleen  Rowley  and   Rowley  told  the  FBI  th
                                                                     Sherron  Watkins  its  Persons  of   had  neglected  to  look  ir
                                                                     the Year. All three women chose   potential  terror  suspect
                                                                     to confront their superiors about   was later involved in the Sej
                                                                     cover-ups going on within  their   attacks,  and Watkins  info
                                                                     organizations,  and  their  efforts   Enron officials that some i
                                                                     were leaked to the media. Cooper   company's accounting me
                                                                     let  WorldCom  know  about  its  were improper.

                 A jury found actress Winona  Ryder
                 guilty  of  shoplifting  more  than                  Fred Rogers, better known as Mister   Lance Bass of 'NSync lobbiei
                 $5,500  of  clothes  from  a  Beverly                Rogers  of the  PBS  program,  Mister   the first celebrity in space an
                 Hills' Saks Fifth Avenue store. Ryder's          J   Rogers' Neighborhood,  died  at age  began training at the Johnsor
                 case received ongoing media attention             I   74 of stomach cancer. A cultural icon  Center. Plans to join a future i
                 for months. Ryder's sentence included            >    to generations of children, he viewed  to the  International  Space  !

                 performing 480 hours of community               >I-   his shows  as a  way to  reach  young  were derailed when his sponso
                 service,   attending   counseling                    people and give them a foundation for   unable to raise the $20 millioi
                 and  paying  $10,000  in  fines  and                a good life.          M
                 restitution.         -4

                               Ibm- De Sot.i/Gelly Imagt-

                                           Questions arose about whether Martha   Esther Eppie Lederer, otherwise known
                                           Stewart sold  ImClone Systems stock   as advice columnist Ann Landers, died.
                                           based  on  illegal  inside  knowledge.   at age 83. A flagship of the Chicago
                                           Stewart claimed she had no idea the   Tribune, the Ann Landers feature was
                                           stock's price was soon  to  fall  when   one  of the  most  widely  syndicated
                                           she sold it, but a congressional panel   newspaper  columns  in  the  world,
                                           continued  to  investigate  Stewart's   appearing in 1,200 papers and reaching
                                           trades.               M    nearly 90 million readers daily.   j j f f j
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