Page 308 - Carrollton 2003
P. 308
Wake up. Sleepyhead! A 16-year-old Consumers began to wonder whether
Hie :-) turned 20 this year. IBM German student invented a bed with hybrid cars would become mainstream
researcher Scott fahiman first typed an electric motor that gradually raises after General Motors Corp., the world's
the smiley face in an online message the bed% mattress for five minutes after largest auto maker, announced it would
in 1982. an alarm goes off. After five minutes, offer hybrid cars, pickups and sport
the sleepyhead has to get out of bed or utility vehicles. Hybrids use a mixture
be forced onto the floor. of electricity and gas, making them
mote fuel-efficient. ▼
Researchers found out that duct tape
removes warts just as well as freezing
them with liquid nitrogen. Just apply,
wait six days, remove the tape, soak the
area in water, scrape the area with a
pumice stone, and apply again. Experts
say the tape irritates the warts and
triggers the immune system to attack
them, and they say this approach does
not hurt.
Phqto by Bryan MiicficII/Gcuy fnii\i;pf -
Reporters writing about the new Companies continued to cram gadgets
This year, Mississippi became the first James Bond movie Die Another Day into cell phones, eliminating the need
slate ever to have an online computer received self-destructing DVDs to for people to carry PDAs or computers
in each public school classroom. preview the movie's scenes. A letter along with their phones. The new
from the movie's fictional character Q generation of phones can take digital
accompanied the discs, warning tliat pictures, access the internet, send and
the content would only be available receive email and instant messages,
for 36 hours. After that, Q wrote, the and download video games and ring
due makes a nice coaster. tones. fo
New studies revealed that ribonucleic A worm called Sapphire was unleashed
add (RNA) h capable of taking charge on lens of thousands of internet servers,
of the genetic process, commanding resulting In Ihe shutdown of computer The Kroger Company, the
gene activity, or even deleting entire systems, a hlarknul of automatic Idler countryk largest grocery chain,
sections of DNA. Researchers hope machines and a hog down of web tested finger Imaging at three
lhal RNA will play a vital role in traffic. The aulhor of Ihe worm, If of Its Texas stores as a new way
the war against cancer and other caught and convicted, could face harsh for customers lo pay for their
punishment under new U.S. anii-lerror groceries. When customers
legislation. signed up for Ihe program, (heir
credit or debit card Information
was linked lo their fingerprint,
to they no longer needed lo
1UXJ1 lake their wallets to the store.
m i The Penn Cambria district In
Pennsylvania allows Its students
A fossil unearthed in Africa was dated to pay for their lunches In the
al between 6 and 7 million years old, same manner. It It one of about
pushing Ihe date of Ihe earliest known 33 districts trying the biometric
human ancestor back more than .1 program. Other schools across
million years. The nearly cnmplelo Ihe nation used the system In
skull, nicknamed Tnumal, had some Ihelr libraries. ^
a|iellke features, but Ihe sha|ie of Its
leelh and lower face suggested human