Page 309 - Carrollton 2003
P. 309

so nut's
                                          How It Works
                Environmentally ffiencly cars powered
                by hydrogen made their debut in Los   The dynamics of the sbdun wave were
                                         calculated and published in a scientific
                Angeles when the dty% mayor signed
               a lease for city employees to try five   journal  by  a  University  of  Hungary   T O S H I B A
            H o
                                         professor TamasVicscfc used mathematical
            b y
               of the cars. Automakers said this was   modefe written to study the spread afforest
               an important first step, but the cars   fires and applied them to the wave. His
               probably will not be sold to the general   analysis shows it only takes a few dozen
               public for another 10 years.   ^  fans to trigger a wave.  It will move
                                         dodcwise at a rate of 20 seats per second
                                         and is usually about 15 seats wide.
            Kblchl  Kamoihlda/Cctty
               Hie Cosmos
               Astronomers Karl Glazebrook and Ivan
               Baldry finally got that nagging "What color
               is the universe?' question answered, the
               color is Cosmic Latte. The color-naming
               contest  evolved  from  the  scientist'
               speculation of what color the universe
               would be if all its light were taken together.
               Their initial fmdiiifp said light green before
               they finally settled on beige.

               Just What
               Hie Vet Prescribed        Then You May Pass
               Kyoto University researchers discovered   Computer programmer Boris Tsikanovsky   Tablet PCs hit store shelves this y
               some  primates,  specifically  Certain   developed software to stop his cat, Squirrel,   These new laptops allow user
               varieties of lemurs, eat plants containing   from dragging prey into the house. Squirrel,   handwrite their messages directly
               poisonous tannins prior to giving birth.   whose special collar allows her to exit and   the screen instead of typing th
               Tannins in small doses naturally increase   enter through a magnetized door, often   making them a popular choice
               milk production and veterinarians use   hides dead mice and birds in the lumiture.   taking notes in classes and meet!
               them  to  prevent  failed  pregnancies.   So, he developed imaging software linked   The average price; about $2,20(1. <
               Scientists say this makes the lemur the   tb a camera by the door that Will not
               first known animal to self-medicate when   allow Squirrel to enter if her profile shows
               pregnant                  something in her mouth.

                                                                    Tom Chrlsterson celebrated the one-
                                                                    year anniversary of hit artificial heart
                                                                    transplant in September. He died six
                                                                    months later. Chrlsterson, 71, was the
                                                                    longest-living AbloCor recipient so far.
                                                                    The AbloCor  heart,  a  softball-sized
                                                                    pump made of plastic and titanium,
                                                                    runs  on  batteries  and  fits  within  a
                                                                    patient's chest.     ^

                                        Photo by William Thomas Cain/Colly Imago*

               A Northern California town sold on
               eBay  for  almost  $1.8  million. The
               owners of Bridgeville, Calif, decided
               to auction the town on eBay after their
               conventional attempts to sell the town
               failed. The town includes a post office,
               a cemetery and more than a dozen
               houses and cabins.    4

                        Photo by Oasui  C<«»\ Imiipt*
                                         Almost  one  fifth  of  U.S.  counties
                                         used electronic voting machines In
                                         November, the highest percentage lo
                                         date. The change was prompted by
                                         lawmakers' concern about Florida's
                                      *    ballot  am trtm riy  In  Ihe  2000
                                         presidential election.   4  A  ►
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