Page 310 - Carrollton 2003
P. 310

Bratz  dolls  outsold  Barbie  as America's
                                     best-selling fashion doll for six months in a
                                     row. In response, Mattel created My Scene
                                     Barbie, a newer doll who wears platform
                                     shoes, low-rise jeans, more makeup, and
                                     midriff-baring shirts.   sii W

                                                                    i Tama/Gcn
                                                                                      iTama/GcUty Images
                                                                                                The  Institute  of Medicine chan
                                                                                                its recommendations for Americ
                                                                                                diets  and  exercise  regimes.  Ur
                                                                                                the new guidelines, everyone sh<
                                                                                                participate  in  at least one  hou
                                                                                                physical activity each day and she
                                                                                                eat a  recommended  percentagr
                                                                                                carbohydrates, fats and proteins.
                                                                                                McDonald's cut the amount of
                                                                                                fat in its fries, Chicken McNug
                                                                                                and other products after a New 1
                                                                                                man sued McDonald's and three a
                                                                                                major fast-food chains for allege
                                                                                                making him fat
                                                                                                  A few weeks later, a lawyer s
                                                                                                McDonald's  on  behalf  of  oi
                                     People desperate for money turned to the                   children. The suits were later thn
                                     internet to cyberbeg. One woman was able
                                                                                                out by a federal judge who said
                                     to pay off her $20,000 credit card debt in
                                                                                                law is not in place to protect pel
                                     just five months with the contributions she
                                                                                                from their own excesses. The  G
                                     received from people who read her website
                                                                                                argued that the fast-food chains n
                                     and sent money.          ^
                                                                                                gave a dear warning about the fo

                                                    Matthew ftoyton/Gctty Images

                                                                   Several  stars  crossed  over  from  one   H ew lett  Ifeckard  introducer!
                                                                   entertainment genre to another, the most   personal computer that works
                                                                   common of which involved musicians making   a TV. The computer comes wit
                                                                   movies. Actress/pop star Jennifer Lopez was   remote control and a TV tuner, <
                                                                   one example.  She starred in two movies   users can play and record TV sh<
                                                                   this year, released a topselling CD, opened   and digital music.
                                                                   a restaurant and even launched a perfume.
                                                                   Other stars crossing over included Eminem
                                                                   and Kid Rock making their film debuts.   4

                                                                   The coolest trend at my school this year was

                                                                   Survey m ulls compiled from Ihe responses of more than 2000 students across the nation.
                                                                   O  2003 Walsworth Publishing Company, Inc.
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