Page 303 - Carrollton 2003
P. 303

Bruce Springsteen's The Rising climbed
                                                                   the  charts  with  stirring  songs  that
                                                                   focused on the people affected by the
                                                                   Sept. 11  attacks. The tribute album,
                                                                   which was his first studio release of
                                                                   all-new material since 1995, struck a
                                                                   chord with a grieving public and served
                                                                   as a cathartic diversion.

                                                    PtK>!t>by:M,lrk M jin/A xH ly Images

                                                                   Published by Riverhead Books, Kurt   Michael Jackson caused an uprc
                                                                   Cobain: The Journals sparked a whole   by dangling  his 9-month-old  ba
                                                                   new debate on the life and death of the   off a four-story balcony in Berlin
                                                                    troubled, yet influential, musician. An   he greeted fans. The pop star la
                                                                    800-page volume, the book consists of   offered  an  apology,  saying  he  |
                                                                    23 of Cobain's private diaries, written   caught up in the moment and woi
                                                                    from 1987 up until his suicide in April   never intentionally endanger the li
                                                                    1994.                     of his children.


                                                                    Music First'

                                                       Spencer Platl/GeUy Images
                                                                                             Robert Mora/Cetty. Images
                                        Photo by Robert Mora/Gelly Images
                                                                                        Music First
                                                                     Music Fit

                                                                           lustc First

                                                                   Phoit/fey Frederick M. Brown/Gclly Images
                     jp    Photo by Matthew Ityton/Cetly Images

               Jam  Master  Jay  died  after  a  man                A Vanessa Carlton,  Avril Lavigne  ►.
               entered  his  recording  studio  and                 4   and  Michelle  Branch  were  the
                                                                    new kind of pop sensations this year
               shot him during a recording session.
                                                                    as teens turned away from the music
               Jay,  born  Jason  Mizell,  was  37.
                                                                    popularized  by  Britney  Spears  and
               Mizell  was  a  founding  member  of
               pioneering  rap  group  Run-DMC,                     Christina  Aguilera.  Lavigne's  debut
               which  he  heljied  form  with  Run,                 album Let Go was the third biggest-
               Joseph Simmons, and  DMC,  Darryl                    selling album of the year, and Lavigne
                                                                    was  nominated  for  five  Grammy
               McDaniels.            ▲
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