Page 298 - Carrollton 2003
P. 298
John Allen Muhammed and John
Lee Malvo were accused of carrying
out a string of sniper shootings that
killed 10 people and wounded three
others during a three-week period in
the Washington, D.C., area. Victims,
who were selected at random during * •
the killing spree, ranged in age from
13 to 72. ^
AP Photo/Guy W;J
Nine Pennsylvania miners emerged
one-by-one from a small, dark, flooded
chamber 240 feet below the surface
after being trapped for more than
three days. The ordeal began when
water from an adjacent abandoned
mine burst through a breached wall
and filled the shaft in which they were
working. Rescuers worked around the vstrAq— —
clock to free the men, who surfaced
relatively unscathed. A
1 - 2 . 6 !
Memorial services were held arouid site, and colleges were asked to turn
the country on the anniversary of over personal information about The Roman Catholic Church was
Sept 11, which President George W. their foreign students and teachers immersed in a scandal involving
Bush proclaimed Patriot Day. One to the FBI. forbidden sex and molestation, as well
year after the attacks on the World The country continued to pursue as widespread cover-ups at the hands
Trade Center and the Pentagon, the Osama bin Laden and other threats to of some of its most prominent officials.
sluggish American economy still felt national security in its War on Terror. At the center of it all was the Boston
the effects. News about Afghanistan Sometimes the war was subtle, and Archdiocese, where Cardinal Bernard
diminished, but al Qaeda and sometimes it was very noticeable. Law resigned under pressure from
Osama bin Laden were still in the The Immigration and Naturalization allegations that he withheld knowledge
news. Debate continued about what Service began to fingerprint and of priests sexually abusing children, p
should be built at the Ground Zero photograph men who entered the
The West Nile virus captured the
nation^ attention during the summer
as it spread from coast to coast. The
mosquito-transmitted virus, which
leads to fever, head and body aches, and
sometimes encephalitis or meningitis,
killed approximately 250 citizens in
2002. ^